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How to keep yourself safe on a first date

If you are like most people, then you probably enjoy the thrill of a new relationship. However, this excitement can also bring with it some apprehension when it comes to safety. It’s important that you take steps to keep yourself safe on your first date so that you can relax and have fun without worrying about your safety or well-being. Following these tips will help ensure things go smoothly for both of you.  

Meet in a Public Place

It’s never a good idea to meet someone from the internet in an isolated place for your first date. Even if you feel like you know this person from conversations beforehand, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and meet for the first time in a public place. This ensures that there is always safety in numbers and you can easily access help should anything go wrong. 

Have Your Own Transportation

Having your own car gives you an easy way to get away should something unexpected happen during the date. Whether things don’t seem quite right or if you simply change your mind about how things are going, having transportation will allow you to exit quickly and without too much fuss over what has happened. It makes it easier to get back home or just go somewhere else where you feel safer.

You can also use this time to let your date know that you have a certain amount of time for the date and that it is best to stick to things to avoid missing your transportation back home. Doing so will hopefully get a better sense of how the other person reacts when presented with a challenge versus someone who simply rolls over and gives up under pressure. You never want to put yourself in a position of being stranded with someone you don’t trust completely.

Do Some Research on Your Date

It’s never a bad idea to check out your date on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. This can give you some insight into their personality, interests, and overall values. Any red flags should be duly noted so that you know what to expect when it comes time for the two of you to meet in person for the first time. For example, if they seem totally different online versus in real life, this might not be someone you want to get involved with romantically. 

Be aware of major disagreements between posts and status updates as well as the absence of things like posts about family members or other personal items that would typically show up on most people’s pages. If they are hiding something from you via social media, chances are good that they are doing it in real life as well.

You can also run a background check on your date to see if they have a criminal background or may be hiding any dangerous or illegal activities that would put you at risk. You can use many free services to do this if you’re curious about what your date might be hiding. When in doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Don’t Share Personal Information Too Soon

It’s important not to share any personal information with your date until you’ve got a sense of how they behave and think during the actual date. For example, do they seem kind and open-hearted, or are they more guarded and suspicious? Keep those types of things in mind as you move forward to help ensure that you’re well-matched before moving too quickly into anything serious. You can always ask them about their past relationships and what made them end up breaking up if it seems like the two of you might be compatible for something long-term.

Doing this will also help determine whether or not your date is willing to listen versus simply trying to tell their side of the story without even asking for yours first.

Remember to take breaks as needed, and don’t feel beholden to sticking with one person if you realize that the two of you just aren’t compatible. While online dating can be a great way to find people who would otherwise remain out of your reach, it’s important to maintain your own personal values and boundaries when meeting someone new.


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