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How to enjoy a business retreat to the fullest

Business retreats are a great opportunity for your team to recharge and get to know each other. They can totally transform the dynamic of your workplace. However, that transformation isn’t always positive.

A bad business retreat could turn into a disaster with long term consequences. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Here are some easy tips to ensure that your next business retreat is a success.

  1. Pick a Great Location

A bad hotel will ruin your retreat before it begins.

Select a place that has all the amenities you and your staff need.

For business retreats, that will include a conference room, individual rooms, and breakfast. Ideally, pick a place that has a fitness center and a pool.

Without their daily workout, some people get moody.

Finding a great hotel can be tricky. There’s no need for you to do all the work yourself.

Use a booking service that specializes in business travel. Booking services have connections within the industry. If things go wrong, they take care of it for you.

When picking a location, think about what’s nearby.

If you’re going to a big city, make sure the location is convenient. If you’re going somewhere remote, see what activities there are at the retreat center.

Try and pick a place that offers something for everybody.

2. Create a Schedule

Plan as much as you can before you head out.

People value time. There’s nothing more annoying than wasted time.

Spread out the important meetings. Don’t hold the most important meetings first. Give people time to adjust to the location.

However, don’t wait until the last day. By then, everyone will be worn out.

The first thing in the morning is also not a great time for an important meeting. Keep in mind that people aren’t staying in their own bed. They might not be as well-rested as usual.

Give yourself more time than you usually would for a standard meeting.

Set up everything in the conference room in advance to save time. You’re presenting in an unfamiliar place and might need IT help at the last minute.

3. Be Flexible

Having a schedule is important, but don’t let it restrict you.

If you’re holding a retreat in a place with great scenery and there’s a beautiful sunset, let people enjoy it.

If it starts pouring down rain, use this time to hold your meeting. That way people can enjoy the outdoors later.

Keep in mind that things can always go wrong. Flights can get delayed. Employees could get sick.

When things go wrong, the important thing to do is maintain a good attitude.

Have backup plans for major activities in case things go wrong.

4. Plan Non-Work Activities

Obviously, the focus of a business retreat is business.

But there’s no reason you shouldn’t have a bit of fun on your retreat. It is, after all, a retreat.

Everyone needs a bit of a break from work. Plan some fun team building activities.

Encourage your employees to take part in these, but don’t force them. Not everyone enjoys spending their free time with their colleagues.

Try to plan activities that you can only do in the destination.

Maybe there is a local specialty that everyone needs to try. Or maybe there is a park with a neat hiking trail.

If people have fun on their retreat, they are more likely to enjoy work when they get back to the office.

5. Take Some Down Time

Schedule some time off for everyone.

Introverts might find the retreat more overwhelming than others.

Travel puts stress on your body, so people might need more sleep than they usually do.

Set a good example for your team by taking some time for yourself.

Relax with a good book or call your family back home. Or just chill out in your room.

Check up on your staff and ask how they’re doing. If you notice people are overwhelmed, take a break and give everyone a few hours off.

When people are worn out, they can’t work well.


Business retreats can be life changing. If you follow these tips, your company’s next retreat is bound to be a success.


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