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How much can you save by switching to vaporization?

By Lisa Aaron

Over the past years, smoking has been the primary form in which tobacco has been consumed. The popularity of cigarettes kept growing initially and they eventually became a staple in society. Smoking represented a good character and social standing. But, over the last few decades, research has shown that smoking is a threat to human health.

Many regulations have been put in place to caution people against smoking cigarettes including raising the cost of cigarettes. Cigarettes cost has increased significantly. Consequently, new ways of helping individuals get nicotine without exposing themselves to the negative effects of cigarettes and the rising cost have been developed. Vaping is one of them.

However, some people are still not sure whether they can save money by switching to vaporization. Over the recent past, cost analysis studies have established that although the initial investment may seem significant, vaping helps consumers save thousands every year.

Figures Don’t Lie

On average, the retail price of a cigarettes pack is $5.51. However, the real cigarettes pack price to society and the economy of the state is $18.05. People that live in the Tobacco Countries or States like West Virginia and Virginia can save more on cigarettes. That’s because the cost of cigarettes in such countries is low. In some of these states, a cigarette pack costs about $5. Even these citizens will save more if they switch to vaporization and take advantage of the up-to-date vaping deals. Such deals include the best prices on the top brands and reduced prices for discounted or older items.

To start the journey of saving the money you spend on smoking sit down to work out these numbers. That way, you will get a reality check of both financial and health benefits that you will enjoy once you quit smoking.

If still unsure about the amount that you have spent on cigarettes in the past, track your expenses in one month. That way, you will get a rough estimate that indicates the total amount that you spend in a year.


Apart from the direct tobacco costs, researchers report that there is a significant gap between the wage of smokers and wage of non-smokers. This gap is caused by health-related absences, productivity loss, and bias at the workplace.

On average, the wage of a smoker is less than that of a non-smoker by 8% despite the two having a similar background. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that for a person with an average hourly wage of $25, this gap means a loss of $275 every month.

Health Insurance

It’s generally known that smoking affects human health negatively. It has also been proven that smoking increases the risk of developing many illnesses. What’s more, smoking rises early mortality possibility. Since insurance companies know this, they see smokers as high-risk clients. Even Obamacare allows insurance companies to increase their rates by 50% to the insurance cost of smokers. However, Obamacare mandates insurance companies to provide plans with access to programs that help smokers quit without charging them extra.

Basically, the risks that smoking exposes a person to be passed on to them via increased rates. However, when a person quits smoking, they save money. Every insurance company increases insurance rates by a specific amount depending on the chosen insurance plan. Nevertheless, the amount paid by smokers can go up by even four times the amount that is paid by non-smokers. As such, vaping enables you to save money in the form of reduced health insurance premiums. You also keep the money that you would spend on treating and managing illnesses like the cardiovascular disease that are associated with smoking.

How Big Can the Savings Be?

After adding up the losses that are caused by smoking cigarettes, you realize that the total figure can hit $7,000 each year for a person that smokes one cigarette pack per day. Such a smoker spends $35,000 in five years of maintaining this lifestyle. In 15 years, the same person will pay $105,000. This amount is enough to purchase a good car or take children through college.

Thus, quitting smoking can not only save your life but enable you to accumulate enough money to do other things. It’s these facts that are compelling more people to quit smoking and switch to vaping. Vaping enables individuals to save a significant amount especially when they use a juul coupon whenever they buy vaping products.

The Bottom Line
When you consider the money that the society, government, and consumers spend on cigarettes, you realize that it is a significant amount that can be spent on other things.
Bear in mind the fact that these figures indicate an average amount that was reached after considering totals from fifty states.

Every state levies different cigarettes taxes, which implies that cigarettes pack costs different from one state to another. Therefore, the exact amount you will save when you quit smoking will also vary. Nevertheless, even if you reduce smoking by a single pack every day, you can make net savings of about $2,419.

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About the author:
Lisa Aaron
A blogger from Sacramento. Writes about healthy lifestyle, is interested in gender studies, and doesn’t talk about politics.




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