Heroes Day 2017 to honour Cayman Islands Tourism Sector
The largest national recognition event will honour “Pioneers in Tourism”, next January, at 2017 National Heroes Day (NHD).
The NHD Committee, a group comprised of public and private sector representatives, met on Tuesday, 9 August, 2016, to discuss the chosen theme and the process leading up to the patriotic event.
The committee will begin accepting nominations on 1 September, and the nomination period ends on 30 September. Members of the public will be encouraged to nominate people they believe have made significant contributions to the tourism industry over the years.
Premier and Minister of Culture, Hon. Alden McLaughlin said, “We chose tourism as the 2017 theme because the tourism sector is a vital part of our country’s past, present and future. It is time we recognise the people who are committed to this constantly-growing sector, and celebrate their hard work and efforts.”
The committee will oversee the nomination process and choose deserving individuals, based on each nominee’s contributions to tourism in the Cayman Islands.
Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Moses Kirkconnell welcomed the team to the first meeting on Tuesday, stating: “I am so pleased that tourism has been chosen for National Heroes Day 2017. I look forward to the public getting involved to recognise the men and women who have given so much to the tourism community, and who continue to help tourism thrive in the Cayman Islands”.
The recipients chosen as “Pioneers in Tourism” will receive their commemorative insignia and certificates at the NHD ceremony on Monday, 23 January 2017.
The Government’s Protocol Office organises the National Heroes Day ceremony with assistance from the Ministry of Culture. For more information and updates leading up to the event, please visit the Cayman Islands Protocol facebook page.
The NHD award categories are:
Early Pioneer: An individual, alive or deceased, who has made significant contributions to the early development and delivery of tourism throughout the Cayman Islands prior to 1960.
Pioneer: An individual, alive or deceased, who has made significant contributions to tourism from 1960-2006.
Emerging Pioneer: An individual who has made significant contributions to tourism from 2006 to present.
Memorial Scroll: A deceased person who was a leader or notable contributor to the development and/or delivery of tourism. .
Long Service Award: A living individual who may not have been a leader, but a long serving person in the tourism community, who has contributed for ten years or more.