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Everything you need to know (from beginning to end) for properly composting at home

By K Kuchiya From CLEANUP HOME

Sometimes, we really do fail to realize how many gifts Mother Nature is leaving right in front of us, or to be more specific, right in our backyards.

If you have a garden, then compost is something that can significantly benefit you by reducing the amount of organic waste that you dispose of in landfills, which will help to reduce the carbon dioxide that is created from your waste. 

This is a great step that you can start to do your part in reducing this greenhouse gas and help slow the global warming that is happening across the planet. Before you begin, the first thing that you are going to want to know is how to compost.

When you make the effort to compost, you are essentially turning nature’s debris into a material that can be extremely useful in a garden because of how beneficial it is to plants.

According to this article posted on the University of Illinois Extension website, compost is regarded by gardeners as “black gold.”

Introducing compost to different types of soil will lead to varied benefits being brought out. It’s not an exaggeration to say that composting is one of the keys to better gardening.

There are a lot of things that you can add to your compost pile, but if you have never created one before, you may be confused about the compost food that you can put in the pile to break down and use as fertilizer. You can also use things that decompose like leaf litter as well. 

So, how can you start composting in your own home? What kind of materials do you even need to get started? What’s the process going to be like?

In this guide, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know from start to end.By the end of reading this, you should have all the knowledge you will need to start a good compost pile in your own home that will help immensely with gardening and just waste reduction in general. 

Let’s get started

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