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Check out the list of Top Android App Development Frameworks for 2020

These days, mobile apps have become a vital part of our lives. Whether you want to book a ride or virtually connect with your favorite ones, you need your smartphone and search for the respective mobile app. Even most of the enterprises are switching from desktop websites to mobile applications.

However, to make a mobile app a real success, it is crucial to select the right mobile framework, mobile platform, mobile technologies, and mobile databases. Android is among the most popular operating system, with approximately 1.5 billion downloads a month and counting. Recently, it is considered the best OS for creating custom mobile apps.

Android developers often face trouble in selecting the right platform for them. To help them select the right platform for the android project, we have compiled a comprehensive list that discusses the top android frameworks.

Top Android App Development frameworks 2020

  • React-Native Android Framework

React-native is considered the most recommended mobile app framework in the app development industry. It’s one of the fastest open-source platforms, currently boasting approximately 68,690 stars on GitHub. It allows developers to leverage React, a flexible JavaScript library, to create Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. Over the years, react-native has gained significant popularity and is used in thousands of apps by numerous companies, including Facebook, Instagram, Tesla, Intuit, Bloomberg, Uber, Yahoo, Walmart, and many more.

  • Ionic Android Framework

Ionic is an open-source platform founded in 2012 that provides cross-platform mobile application development. It is a free framework that allows developers to use numerous modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and so on. Numerous startups and web development companies use it all across the globe. The framework is specially designed to create hybrid and interactive mobile apps. It’s rich and complete set of elements, software tools, and animations allow developers to create high-quality mobile, progressive-web apps from a single codebase.

Moreover, if developers use Ionic with a PhoneGap mobile app, it provides higher performance than hybrid applications.

  • Native Android Framework

Native Android is another top popular open-source mobile development framework that is used to create native mobile apps. The native android framework provides a rich application framework that provides developers with the fastest tools to create numerous innovative apps for the android device. Moreover, the native android game SDK provides developers an incredible rich with 2.5 billion monthly active Android platforms.

Some of the famous companies that use native android SDK are Google, Slack, Instacart, and so on.

  • Xamarian

Xamarian is another mobile app development framework that developers must try to create android apps. It is an open-source platform used to create modern and performative applications for Android, ios, windows, etc. According to the survey, Xamarian was the 10th most popular cross-platform application development and the 15th most loved framework. It comes with almost every required tools and library that developers need to create a native application. With Xamarian, developers can write all of their business logic in a single language and get native performance, look, and feel on each platform.

Some of the most popular mobile applications built on Xamarin include OLO, Alaska Airlines, Storyo, and many more.

  • Flutter Android Framework

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK that is created by Google. It is one of the most popular frameworks and is written in the Dart language. It is the best choice for developers who want to succeed in hybrid app development. With a flutter, developers can easily create the cross-platform app as it allows them to test, perform UI, unit, and functionality tests without identifying errors. Additionally, it has numerous benefits such as a screen reader, quick rendering, fast development, and themes for Android and iOS, among many more.

Flutter app development is quite popular among companies such as Alibaba, Google, CapitalOne, Tencent, eBay, etc.

Final words

No wonder development frameworks are the essential tools to create any successful mobile or web applications. In this article, we have discussed some of the top android frameworks. It is essential to keep in mind that every project or app has a different requirement so, you must choose the platform after checking all the essential factors regarding your app.

A great android development platform can enhance your mobile development experience.

Are you looking to create your android app built? Contact Mobulous.


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