Cayman: Road Closures for CayMAS Carnival Street Parade, 1 July
The RCIPS is informing the public about the following road closures taking place on Saturday, 1 July, in order to facilitate the CayMAS Carnival street parade.
From 10:30AM to 1:00PM, South Church Street will be closed between Memorial Avenue and Boilers Road, in preparation for the parade.
The parade is scheduled to begin at 1:00PM and sections of the road along the parade’s route will be closed to facilitate the passing of the parade. These road closures will be rolling and as the parade passes each section, the roadways will re-open to the public. The below shows the parade route as well as the estimated times for road closures along the way:
* 1:00PM to 1:30PM – South Church Street will remain closed between Memorial Avenue and Boilers Road.
* 1:30PM to 2:15PM – South Church Street and Seafarer’s Way will be closed between Boilers Road and Fort Street.
* 2:15PM to 3:00PM – North Church Street will be closed between Fort Street and Eastern Avenue.
* 3:00PM to 5:00 PM – West Bay Road will be closed between Eastern Avenue and Lawrence Boulevard.
* 5:00PM to 5:30PM – West Bay Road will be closed between Lawrence Boulevard and Gecko Link (Galleria Roundabout).
* 5:30PM to 6:15PM – West Bay Road will be closed between Gecko Link and Lime Tree Bay Avenue.
* 6:15 PM to 6:45PM – West Bay Road will be closed between Lime Tree Bay Avenue and the Seven Mile Public Beach entrance.
The times provided are an estimate and may be subject to change. The public is being advised to avoid these areas during these times if not spectating the parade. If travelling to West Bay on Saturday, 1 July, motorists are also advised to take the Esterley Tibbetts Highway as an alternate route.