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Cayman: OfReg Board of Directors begin familiarisation tour of utility operators and licensees at CUC

Members of the OfReg Board and Senior Management Team began what will be a series of familiarisation visits with utility operators and licensees across all regulatory sectors, at CUC’s main facility earlier this month.

Board Members Bonnie Anglin and Natasha Bodden joined OfReg Executive Directors Gregg Anderson (Energy), Duke Munroe (Fuels) and Sonji Myles (ICT) on a tour of the company’s power generation facilities. 

CUC President & CEO, Mr. Richard Hew, Mr. Sacha Tibbetts, VP of Customer Service & Technology and other specialists on the CUC team guided the OfReg delegation on an in-depth tour which included discussions on a wide range of topics including the current pricing of utility provision, operational procedures, future innovation and solar power, and the National Energy Policy.

The tour provided Board members a firsthand understanding of how power is generated for the Cayman Islands, the equipment needed, the costs involved and how CUC maintains supply while managing outages. 

OfReg Board Member Natasha Bodden said, “Our role as the Board of OfReg is to protect and ensure the effective regulation and management of Cayman’s critical national utility infrastructure. As Board members, we take this responsibility very seriously and believe that includes being adequately informed and knowledgeable of the facilities and operations of the utility operators and licensees across the sectors which we regulate.

“This visit to CUC is the first of a planned series of familiarisation visits for Board members to engage licensees directly on the operation of their facilities and delivery of the essential utilities and services on which Cayman relies in our daily lives.

Board Member Bonnie Anglin added, “The tour of CUC facilities provided us an opportunity to discuss the challenges of producing power for Cayman both in terms of the present day and in planning for the future. On the ground visits such as this are essential for OfReg to effectively do its part in the country’s efforts to ensure we are ready to meet these needs. We are appreciative of CUC’s leadership team for their open and transparent discussions and tour of their facilities.”

CUC also welcomed the opportunity to meet with OfReg Board members and discuss current and future power generation for the Cayman Islands.

President & CEO, Mr. Richard Hew said, “This visit provided a great opportunity for CUC to showcase its facilities and operations to the regulator. We have made significant investments in reliability and resiliency assets over the years which plans OfReg would have approved so it was an opportunity to show the new members of the OfReg Board these assets in operation. We also discussed some of our plans for the ongoing development of our business including the greening of our grid with renewable energy and we introduced to OfReg some of our greatest assets, our people.

The visit included a tour of the new Control room and our newest engine room as well as our steam turbine. They also toured the 69 KV substation here at the North Sound plant and the Seven Mile Beach substation.”


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