Cayman National Cultural Foundation wants your support
From the CNCF

Show your support for CNCF in the Island Heritage CharityDrive!
Show your support for CNCF tomorrow as part of the 2019 Island Heritage Charity Drive!
Here’s how you can help:
- Drive by the Island Heritage roundabout between 7 am and 7 pm
- Like and share one of Island Heritage Insurance’s Facebook posts
- Like an Instagram post on @Islandheritageinsurance
- Add #ihcharitydrive2019 to your social media posts
- Mention @charitydriveky on Twitter
During CharityDrive, Island Heritage will donate CI$1 for every one of the above actions taken.
A bonus CI$5,000 will go to the charity with the most social media support so like, share, tweet, tag and give us a honk as you drive around the Island Heritage roundabout.