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Cayman Islands Lions Club of Tropical Gardens installs its 22nd President and first male

IMG_2650 IMG_2667 IMG_2688 IMG_2700 IMG_2704 IMG_2706The Lions Club of Tropical Gardens held its Change of Administration and Installation breakfast on Saturday June 27th, at the George Town, Town Hall.

The Club also broke with tradition with its 22nd President being the first male to take up the mantle of service.

Historically women weren’t allowed in the Lions Clubs and this was the reason that the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens was formed 22 years ago. However things changed a few years back and now all three Lions Clubs in the Cayman Islands have both women and men in their clubs.

New Tropical Gardens President Clint Powery is a former Leo and joined the Club in December 2012.

Under the theme “ With Passion and Willingness: we serve for a brighter tomorrow”, Lion President Clint Powery says his plans include resurrecting some old projects of the club, including an after-school program in his district of West Bay and also working more closely with other service clubs to do more joint projects. He also stated that he wants to work more closely with Meals on Wheels and provide more hot meals for people in the community who are going through difficult times.

The 2015-2016 board includes: Immediate Past President & Secretary- Caroline Roberts , First Vice-President – Maureen Robinson , Second Vice President Donett Chung , Treasurer – Patricia Bazell-Taylor PMJF , One year directors – Norma McField PMJF and Wendy Wiltshire MJF, Two year Directors – Marsha Webster and Judith Witter MJF , Tamer- Sharon Campbell , Tail Twister- Belinda Blessitt-Vincent MJF and Membership Director – Gina Barnes MJF.

End of Year Speech from 21st President Caroline Roberts

Master of Ceremonies, Lion Lois Kellyman, Melvin Jones Fellow, other distinguished Lions at the head table and in the audience, guests, Leos my fellow lions, Good Morning.

We are here!!! Another year has passed, and so many memories I have to treasure. I can remember that Sunday four years ago., My friend, mentor, sister, Lion Elva Smith, Melvin Jones Fellow was hosting a planning meeting for her year as president and was in the process of putting her Board together. I was taking my afternoon nap when my phone rang. I answered realizing my sister was on the other end. She was looking for a 3rd VP and wanted to know if I would take the position. My instant reply was NO.

You see, when I joined this organization, my main interest was to serve my community. Never in my mind was I thinking of serving as president! But anyone who knows Lion Elva, knows that she doesn’t take no very easily. She encouraged me to take the position and promised that she would do her best to prepare me for my year as president. Well that is history now, and my year as President is almost over – I just have 3 days more to go!!! Thank you, Lion Elva for your mentoring and guidance over the years. Despite this though, experience is the best teacher, and this past year, has truly been a learning experience.

My journey as president started with me chaperoning Leo Dea Ramoon of the Clifton Hunter Alpha Leo Club to the 37th annual Leo Convention in Kingston Jamaica. It was five days of learning about the Leo movement, making new friends, exploring a new country and making memories to last a lifetime.

I am honoured to say today that Leo Dea (better known as Sunshine) is Leo president elect of the Alpha Leo Club for 2015-2016. Leo Dea, congratulations to you and I wish you and your Board a successful year.

Our projects began with giving out back to school supplies and ensuring children in our community were equipped with the necessary school supplies. As we instill in all the children we work with, education is the key to success. 48 students benefitted from this project.

Then, it was that time of the year again when all our plans and goals were set under the watch of Lions Norma McField, Progressive Melvin Jones fellow and Wendy Wiltshire Melvin Jones fellow for our Breast Cancer Awareness campaign in October. Of course, this campaign required the support of the entire membership with 1 month packed with various activities to highlight breast cancer awareness. Everyone chipped it and make it another successful year for the project. We gave out over 600 hundred mammogram vouchers, while spreading knowledge of early detection in all our districts and on Cayman Brac. To all our supporters and sponsors we say a huge Thank you, and to Lions Norma and Wendy, many thanks for your hard work this year.

We continued with our Reading is Cool program with Lion Marsha Webster steering the project and 14 children from around our island participating . Our children were feed healthy breakfast and were given workbooks to improve their weak areas. To Lion Marsha and her team, Thank you for your contributions this year.
Throughout the year we continued with our quarterly visits to the pines retirement home and the Golden age home. In December, we sponsored the lighting of the Christmas tree at the Golden age home and in January we hosted the birthday party for the Pines residents. Also throughout the year, we assisted persons in our community and shut-ins in our community with groceries and other household items. Through the corporate sponsorship of Dart Realty, we were also able to provide bags of groceries to over 200 families on Christmas Eve Day

In January, we carried out one of our civic duties by assisting with the ushering at our heroes day parade. Our district GOV. Lion Isaac Solomon Melvin Jones Fellow along with Zone chair Lion Dr. Blossom Anglin –Brown and Region Chair Lion Denise Forrest visited our shores to conduct our club audit. We were honoured to have them visit and explore our beautiful islands.

While our main purpose is to serve the needy, we recognized that we also have a responsibility to foster and nurture spiritual growth in our community. As such, we assisted in financing a Leo’s trip overseas o attend a spiritual leadership retreat.
In April we inducted 2 new members into our movement which created history for our club. It is the first time that we have had a Husband and wife as members of our club. After all, it’s a family affair while we serve. To our new members congratulations for choosing this great organization of 1.4 million people to make a difference and leave your mark on earth. I encourage you to explore Lions International website where you will find a wealth of information, and to travel to gain the exposure and the experience which will help you to develop and grow in the movement.

April and May took us to our eye Glass recycling collection and this was spearheaded by Lion Pat Bazell-Taylor Progressive Melvin Jones fellow. 1000 pairs of glasses were collected and these have now been packed and shipped to one of Lions Clubs International’s recycling facilities. Lion Pat, thank you to you and your team for your hard work and dedication to this project.
Also in May, we celebrated our 22nd anniversary. We wanted the observance to be difference and that we did. Lion Pat Bazell-Taylor graciously opened up her home to us, and we had a wonderful evening around her pool, modeling, socializing and partying. Thank you Lion Pat for opening up your home to accommodate us. Lions Melrose Gooding Melvin Jones Fellow, Wendy Wiltshire Melvin Jones Fellow, Elva Smith Melvin Jones Fellow, Clint Powery Melvin Jones Fellow, Phillip Barnes Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, thank you for your standing Fashion show. To our MC that evening, Lion Gina Barnes Melvin Jones Fellow , I also say thank you. It was a celebration I will truly remember.

Fundraising was my main goal this year. I had lots of plans but there were many challenges I had to face in this area.

Though we held a few garage sales and were blessed with great sponsors and supporters, this are remains a challenge for the club. To Lion Nereen Thomas and team I say thank you for your efforts this year.

A huge Thank you to Lions Nereen Thomas and Lion Belinda Blessitt-vincent Melvin Jones Fellow for their hard work in our Public Relations Department, keeping us and our friends informed through our newsletters and for keeping the public informed our projects and achievements via the media.

Despite all the challenges faced during the year, at the end of May, we were able to complete 118 projects to the value of US$262,256 providing 2,282 of man hours to our community. To all our members, heartfelt gratitude for making this possible.
As I come to the end of my Report I would like to say to my Board Thank you for guiding and directing me throughout the year, I am very grateful to each of you for helping me to serve in unity.

To my committee chairs who were the organizers and leaders of all our projects Thank you for helping us continue to light our candles in our community.
I would like to wish incoming president Lion Clint and his Board a successful year. My fellow Lions, let’s continue to light our candles and serve in unity for a bigger and brighter Tomorrow.

To my sisters and brothers of the Lions club of Tropical Gardens, thank you with humble gratitude for the opportunity you gave me to serve this club at its highest level. I will forever be grateful for the knowledge of lionism and my personal growth and development I have gained on my journey.


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