Cayman: DG’s 5K Challenge Cheque Handover Ceremony April 9

WHAT: The Deputy Governor’s 5K Challenge Cheque Handover Ceremony.
WHO: Deputy Governor, Honourable Franz Manderson, sponsors and beneficiaries of the DG’s 5K Challenge.
WHEN: Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Lawn of the Glass House, adjacent to the Government Administration Building
Elgin Avenue, George Town
Deputy Governor, Honourable Franz Manderson will join sponsors of the 2024 DG’s 5K Challenge for the handover of sponsorship cheques. Mr Manderson will also reveal the official logo for the Challenge.
The Deputy Governor’s 5K Challenge will be held across the three islands. Cayman Brac will race on 14 April, Little Cayman on 21 April and Grand Cayman on 28 April.
The Challenge aims to promote a healthier, more active and more engaged civil service, while supporting charitable organisations in the Cayman Islands.