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Baby Massage Workshop Class – starts this Friday July 21st!!!!!!!

Your little bundle of joy has brought immense happiness and now it’s time to embark on a magical journey of connection, love and growth. We’re thrilled to present our exclusive five-week Baby Massage Course, where you and your precious baby will experience a world of relaxation and bonding ✨

Baby massage is a language of touch that fosters a profound connection between you. With every gentle stroke, you are nurturing your baby’s emotional, physical and cognitive development, laying the foundation for a lifetime of health and happiness

You will learn how to;

Nurture the Bond: Enhance the parent-child bond by creating a space for you and your baby to connect on a deep, heartfelt level. Through loving touch, you will develop a language of love that will forever strengthen your relationship

Soothe and Relax: Babies experience the world through their senses and massage provides a soothing and calming effect. With Harmony’s expert guidance, you’ll learn techniques that help relieve common discomforts, ease digestion, promote better sleep patterns and reduce stress for both of you

Boost Development: Baby massage also promotes healthy development. You will learn specific techniques that stimulate your baby’s growing muscles, improve coordination and enhance body awareness, helping to reach important developmental milestones.

Encourage Communication: As you massage your baby, you’ll notice how they respond with subtle cues and signals, helping you tune in to your baby’s nonverbal communication, fostering a deeper understanding and connection between you both

Connect with a Community: Our Baby Massage Course is an opportunity to connect with other parents who are on the same magical journey. Share experiences, exchange tips and build lasting friendships as you bond over the joys and challenges of parenthood

Each session will be a blend of education, hands-on practice and discussion. You’ll receive course materials and resources, so you can continue practicing the techniques confidently at home

Call 949 7065 today to secure your spot. Let the journey begin!

Learn More

Call 949 7065 or email [email protected] to save your spot.


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