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Savannah Primary makes history and celebrates new facilities

Photo 1: Government Officials celebrate with staff and students of Savannah Primary School on their PYP Authorisation. Savannah Primary School is the second government school not only in the Cayman Islands, but in the entire Caribbean region to receive their International Baccalaureate (IB) Authorization for PYP.

The school has achieved the requirements to be called an IB World School within the IB’s Primary Year’s Programme (PYP). As outlined on the IBO website, “The PYP draws on research and best practice from a range of national systems and wealth of knowledge and experience from international schools to create a relevant, engaging, challenging and significant educational framework for all children.”


SPS's New Building with Library

This exciting news was announced at the celebration and official opening of Savannah Primary’s new school building on November 15th.

Minister of Education, Hon. Rolston Anglin, JP, officially opened the new building and explained all of the wonderful amenities and space this new building provided to Savannah Primary School. He said, “I am delighted to be here today to officially open Savannah Primary’s new building and to congratulate them on an excellent job well-done in earning their PYP Authorisation. The new building is a two storey classroom block, creating more space for the increasing amount of students.”

He continued, “The new building has eight classrooms containing storage rooms, adds 12,638 square feet of working and learning space, and a new library. Along with the new building, the old library space has been converted into a Vice Principal’s Office and two specialists’ rooms and the two modular classrooms have been removed from the compound to create space for the reception play area.

Finally, the new building has also been designed to withstand up to a category 3 hurricane and contains a disabilities elevator and handicapped restrooms for those students with special needs.”

Along with the new building, the entrance for the school has been relocated, and a parking lot to the east has been created for staff members as well as a new football field and a 200 meter four lane walking track being developed to the side of the site.

Principal Brian Allen being very satisfied and proud of his school’s achievements spoke to the guests at the celebration, saying, “The new school block gives Savannah Primary School eight new classrooms, a new library and state of the art technology in Interactive Whiteboards. As the school is now the second largest primary school on the island it allows us to create a quality learning environment for all our students. The school recently received authorisation to teach the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, a world renowned philosophy of education which allows students to develop into lifelong learners and to become inquiry minded. Within the PYP attention is devoted to the Creative Arts, ICT and the library and the new block at Savannah allows us to fulfil all the requirements expected of this world class educational programme.”

The Minister for Health and PTA President Honourable Mark Scotland, JP, was present at the presentation of the new building. He spoke to the parents of the students about the importance of their participation in their children’s education. He stated, “Parents need to encourage their children to take advantage of these new and improved facilities they have received. If each parent took the time to help their child throughout their school years, by encouraging them constantly to do their best, then I am confident our students will grow up and create a very proud generation after us.”

From the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment



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