Archbishop helps open Health City in Cayman Islands
By Elizabeth Wong From The Michigan Catholic
Cayman Islands – On Tuesday, Feb. 25, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron participated in the grand opening ceremony and dedication of Health City, a specialized healthcare facility on the Cayman Islands.
The three Cayman Islands are the home of St. Ignatius Parish, which is under the pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Detroit.
With the opening of Health City on Grand Cayman, residents requiring special attention in the areas of cardiac surgery, cardiology and orthopedics will no longer need to be airlifted to the United States to obtain the appropriate care.
Archbishop Vigneron led a prayer for Health City, with the intention for “all those who will be patients here, or who will devote themselves to caring for the sick in this new facility.”
“I’d like to remind all of us that the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation who strengthens us through his Son in the Holy Spirit, showers his love and blessing in a particular way on those who are in distress; on the sick,” said Archbishop Vigneron, “and of course on those who assist and minister to God’s beloved sick.”
Health City was established through the partnership of an Indian health care system, Narayana Health, under the leadership of cardiac surgeon and chairman Devi Shetty, and Ascension Health, the largest Catholic health care system in the United States.
“Even though it is just an hour and 45-minute flight to Miami, now (residents) can stay on the island and get care immediately,” said Gary Fendler, Ascension Health spokesman.
Fendler said that while the first focus will be the people of the three Cayman Islands — a population of about 55,000 — the 40 million people of the greater Caribbean region will also be able to access Health City’s services.
Samanta Ray, a spokesman for Narayana Health, said the initial investigation and planning for the facility began in late 2011, and construction began in February 2013.
While Health City is starting off with 104 beds, the plan is to expand to “2,000 beds in a phased manner over a period of 10 years by adding more tertiary care super-specialties,” as well as adding a nursing university, medical and paramedical university, and an assisted living facility, Ray said.
The current estimate is that 25 percent of Health City’s services will be used by Cayman Islands patients, with the remainder being patients from outside the Cayman Islands.
“Health City Cayman Islands is committed to delivering world-class health care that is accessible and affordable for all, including those who are poor and vulnerable,” said Ray, “through innovative, internationally staffed and recognized medical centers of excellence.”
On Feb. 23, Archbishop Vigneron celebrated Sunday Mass for the faithful of St. Ignatius Parish. Fr. Naveen D’Souza, associate pastor of St. Ignatius, said the archbishop’s visit gave him the opportunity to greet parishioners after Mass.
Fr. D’Souza said Health City will help the people of the Cayman Islands, especially because Ascension Health is a Catholic health care system.
“It will be a good benefit for the community,” said Fr. D’Souza, “so they won’t have to fly back to the U.S. for all of their major surgeries.”
PHOTO: Archbishop Vigneron reads a blessing at the Feb. 25 dedication and grand opening of Health City, a new specialized health care facility in the Cayman Islands.
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By Kaisa Schmidt-Seneski
The $40 million dollar, 112-bed tertiary-care hospital in Grand Cayman, completed by DeAngelis Diamond Healthcare Group (DDHG), held its opening ceremony on February 27. With a completion date of February 14 DDHG proudly handed over the keys on that exact day. Gene Thompson, Health City Cayman Island project director stated, “I would like to thank our Construction Manager who did this marvelous, phenomenal job, DeAngelis Diamond Healthcare Group. They performed exemplary with this high quality hospital.” The official construction of the first phase began on February 14, 2013, DDHG finished the project in exactly 12 months. Health City is the first project of its size on the island to be completed with an aggressive 12 month construction schedule.
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DeAngelis Diamond Healthcare Group is working diligently to expand our reputation as a leader in healthcare construction by delivering the highest levels of quality and service while conforming to our Core Values of Honor, Integrity and Trust. With offices in Naples, Sarasota, and Birmingham, we at DeAngelis Diamond Healthcare Group are committed to achieving all of your goals and are equipped with the resources and personnel to perform your project with excellence each and every time.