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Antique jewelry care and maintenance tips from the experts


Antique jewelry, while seldom worn, has monetary value that increases over time. But, aside from that, this type of jewelry is kept away for its sentimental value too. However, keeping it away for too long without proper care may affect its look. Even if you rarely wear it, it should still be well-taken care of. Here’s how you can do it properly.

Don’t wear it while working out

Antique jewelry pieces are indeed beautiful. But, no matter how much you love wearing them, make sure that you don’t wear them to the gym. This is because dirt and sweat can affect its color and make it look old. It could also mix with other products, such as lotions, which could bring adverse effects on the metal.

Additionally, it will only affect your workout routine. If you’re wearing a necklace, it could bother you while doing mountain climbers and the likes. And if you’re wearing a ring, it could get banged up and it could scratch it.

Don’t wear it while cleaning

Chemicals like bleach and even common gardening chemicals can also affect your antique jewelry. Not only will it affect its color but it can also dissolve it in extreme cases. Thus, don’t wear your jewelry while cleaning even when you’re not using harsh chemicals just to be sure. You can wear gloves to protect your ring, but it still depends on your jewelry’s design.

Don’t use salt water or Saline Solution

Saltwater is believed to have cleansing properties; even ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians believed so. While other people still believe it to this day, there are some jewelry professionals in the Netherlands who believe it’s not safe for your health and it’s not safe for your antique jewelry either.

Apparently, saltwater and saline solutions are bad for your antique jewelry. This is because according to seasoned jewelers from a jewelry shop based in Amsterdam, these are corrosive substances. They can weaken your jewelry that could cause it to break down.

What you can do instead is to take it to an established jeweler to get it cleaned. He or she has the right materials and solutions to deep clean your precious jewelry without damaging it.

Do remove it while cooking


It is known to many that as a piece of jewelry ages, its value increases. However, not many people know that as it ages, it also becomes easily loosened and even the simplest tasks such as cooking can affect it negatively. That said, make sure that you remove your antique jewelry while cooking too, especially if it has diamonds or other precious stones. This is because the heat and steam could easily loosen your jewelry, making precious stones and other debris loosen from your jewelry.

Examine it

You should also examine your antique jewelry from time to time. See if it has loose diamonds, bent metals, broken prongs, or other issues. This way, you can take it to your jeweler as soon as possible for a good fix and prevent issues from worsening.

Antique jewelry pieces and the sentimental value that comes with them are hard to replace. So, be sure that you’re taking care of it well. By following the tips stated above, you can keep your beloved jewelry collection in good condition for a long time.


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