Agriculture should remain an important part of every country’s self sufficiency

The ability for a country to be self-sufficient when it comes to producing enough to feed its population can prove to be important now with the current economic situation with more trade tariffs, where it becomes more expensive to import products. If you then take the environmental aspects into consideration and the changing of peoples eating habits trying to buy more local produce and organic products, this starts making a lot more sense from all perspectives. This means that you will need to start producing a wide range of products and transport it shorter distances.
Productivity is of course key when it comes to effective farming and to achieve this you will need state of the art equipment and combine it with durable agricultural tires that have long service life. To ensure that you don’t compact the soil ,which has a negative impact on the yield of the crops, it is advisable to use flotation tires on the equipment that will be used in the field. This means that you will equip your tractor with agricultural tires and your trailer with agricultural trailer tires that both should be floatation. For improved productivity you can’t only rely on the high yield, you will need to make sure that your tires have low rolling resistance and good grip so that you can perform the tasks without problems. The low rolling resistance will lead to lower fuel consumption, which can be an important factor if you have big fields or if you also do a lot of road driving.
When it comes to driving tractors more on road than on fields, you need tire that don’t build up heat as you drive, which will increase the wear. There are tractor tires that are designed for more on road versus fields, which have good fuel economy, low wear and can handle high speeds with good driving comfort. You though need to make sure that you schedule regular tire maintenance if you drive long distances. The tread of tractor tires tend to be self-cleaning, to ensure that mud doesn’t impact the grip and traction. It is till recommended to wash of the tires on a daily basis and check for any cuts or cracks to ensure that the tires are in good condition. The tire pressure is important to check, especially when you drive a lot on road at high speeds and long distances. Check also the tread depth to ensure that you have sufficient tread depth remaining and replace the tire in time when it is worn out. Changing to late can lead to accidents that would be avoidable, with timely change.
For optimal farming you need to get several factors correct. Correct equipment and tires is only a part of the puzzle, but it can have a substantial impact on the productivity and profitability of a farming operation. Increasing yield and reducing associated costs for delivering the high yield becomes key for any operation.