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7 ways to take care of yourself


Taking good care of your body, mind and soul every day should be your priority. Don’t just pay attention to what your body needs when you get sick! Simply by focusing on eating right, exercising and taking some ‘me-time’ you will see how quickly your life can improve. If you never thought about proper self-care, here are a few things you should introduce right now. 

Prioritize sleep

We live in a busy world that moves a hundred miles per hour. This hustle and bustle can have huge effects on how you feel and look. One way to catch a break is to sleep properly. Not getting enough sleep can not only make you look and feel tired but also cause various health issues. Create a good nighttime routine and stick to it. 

Drink enough water

According to research, one in five kids and teens don’t drink water at all, and adults often don’t get enough of this precious liquid either. However, your body needs water in order to function properly. Dehydration is a serious problem and it can cause constipation, confusion, dizziness, low blood pressure, etc. If you know you struggle with reaching your daily water requirements, start by chugging a glass first thing in the morning. You can also download an app that will remind you to drink and reach your daily water goals. 

Take good care of your skin

Skincare is one of those routines that can make you feel amazing on the inside and the outside. And don’t think you need to settle for one of those complicated 10-step routines either. If you look for natural products, you can get away with using just a few most important ones like a quality cleanser, moisturizer and serum. Usually, all you need for proper skincare is five minutes in the morning and before bed. This way, you will look fresh all day long! 

Fill your plate with the right foods

Our relationship with food can often be a complicated one. It can either keep you fit and healthy or make you gain weight and cause health issues like diabetes. If you eat cleanly and regularly, you can ensure good strength levels and sharpness of mind. Some of the best self-care foods out there are fatty fish (full of omega-3 fatty acids), blueberries (full of antioxidants), nuts (full of good fat), carrots (full of vitamin A) and leafy veggies (full of fiber). Include one of these into your menu every day. 

Exercise daily

We all know how important it is to exercise every day, but do we do it? Probably no. Make a habit to have at least half an hour of physical activity every day to stay strong physically and mentally, improve mood, relieve stress and maintain a healthy weight. Of course, you don’t have to hit the gym or go for a long run every day. You can mix things up with walking, playing team sports, doing yoga…As long as it keeps you moving, it will do you a world of good. 

Declutter your space

You might think you thrive surrounded by creative chaos, but subconsciously, it can wreak havoc on your psyche. Take 10-20 minutes every day to clean up, sort your mail, do your laundry and declutter your kitchen counters. This activity will bless you with a sense of peace, control and clarity. 

Learn how to say no

This self-care tip might seem easy, but it’s harder than it sounds. Oftentimes, we feel obliged to say yes to tasks and meetings we really don’t want to do. This can cause stress, anxiety and burnout, so make sure to practice saying no when you feel overwhelmed. When you learn this important skill, you will have more control over your time and life. 

Self-care today is more important than ever since all of us are buried in stress. These little self-love tips will ensure you feel and look your best and always live your best life. 


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