
iLocal News Archives

Day: July 8, 2015

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

[Barbados] CTO working on hassle-free travel

From Barbados Today The Barbados-based Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) wants to see an end to multiple security checkpoints when travelling through the region. The CTO chairman, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Richard Sealy said the regional body, through its…

Caribbean News iArt iCommunity iCulture iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

The Caribbean art scene in the United States: an identity that crosses borders?

From AMA Art Media Agency Boasting a fusion of African, Latin American, and European traditions, the Caribbean is home to an extremely rich contemporary art scene. With over 40 million inhabitants, this multilingual archipelago is home to a huge number…

Editors Choice iFaith iLocal News iWorld News News

Franklin Graham: ‘Everything related to God’ is under attack

By Cathy Burke From Newsmax America is not only “blatantly defying God’s laws,” it’s trying to erase them from public view, evangelist preacher Franklin Graham charges in a blistering condemnation of an Oklahoma court order to remove a Ten Commandments…

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News News top news

The quiet sea on a perfect night

From Stuck In Customs PERFECT WATER OUT THERE It gets pretty hot here in Dubai most of the year, so that Arabian Sea comes in very handy. Either you’re inside, slathered with AC, or if you’re outside, you should be…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Caribbean integrity commissions form new Commonwealth body to fight corruption

From The Commonwealth National authorities from 12 Commonwealth countries in the Caribbean have joined forces to establish a new regional body to enhance transparency and help fight corruption. The Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption Bodies in the Commonwealth Caribbean…

Caribbean News iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

How not to be a jerk when you bring your dog to the beach

By Kyla Gardner From DNAinfo Chicago EDITOR: Although some of the following does not apply in the Cayman Islands 90% does If your dog’s a jerk, you’re a jerk. That’s the way it goes at the dog beach. “It’s never…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Kramer Levin, Gibson Dunn prevail in Puerto Rico bond battle

By Julie Triedman, From The Litigation Daily In what is likely the leading edge of a rash of multibillion-dollar disputes involving the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the first round has gone to a group of bondholders. The U.S. Court of…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Rare Vaquita Porpoise could be extinct in four years

By Tia Ghose, LiveScience From Discovery News The rarest and most endangered marine mammal in the world could go extinct in four years without stepped-up enforcement measures, new research suggests. Vaquitas, rare porpoises that live off the coast of Mexico,…

iBusiness iCrime iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

HP loses bid to knock out Pemex corruption suit

By Ross Todd, From The Recorder SAN JOSE — Hewlett-Packard Co. won’t be able to duck a civil RICO suit tied to violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act simply by arguing the case doesn’t belong in U.S. court. HP…

iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News top news

Sinabung eruption:

Sinabung eruption: Thousands flee Indonesia volcano From BBC Mount Sinabung had been dormant for more than 400 years when it erupted in 2010 Thousands of people living close to a volcano in Indonesia have been forced to flee their homes…