
iLocal News Archives

Day: April 15, 2013

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Thatcher insisted on facing hard, uncomfortable truths

A Commentary by Michael Barone, Rasmussen Reports “Divisive.” That’s a word that appeared, often prominently, in many news stories reporting the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. One senses the writers’ disapproval. You’re not likely to find “divisive”…

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Cash-strapped governments take aim at tax havens

Paul Waldie, The Globe and Mail Tax havens seem to have multiplied as thousands of people sock away billions of dollars in exotic locations and infuriate tax collectors. To find the origin of these tax shelters don’t look to Switzerland,…

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Congressional trips abroad [to Cayman Islands] continue despite sequester

By Elizabeth Flock US News Members of Congress and their staff have gone on multiple trips since House Speaker John Boehner announced last month congressional travel would be curbed as part of the sequester. Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, and Rep….

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‘Wrong data led to death’ of British soldier Mark Smith

London Evening Standard A British soldier was killed in a friendly fire incident when a shell fell short of its target after the latest weather conditions were not taken into consideration, an inquest has heard. Sapper Mark Smith, 26, from…

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Economist Dean Baker: Wall Street is too optimistic

By Michael Kling Moneynews Wall Street is far too optimistic about prospects for an economic recovery, cautions Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. Look for the unemployment rate to remain essentially unchanged…

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Investor George Soros: Germany will be in recession by September elections

From Moneynews Germany’s economy will probably be in a recession by elections scheduled for the end of September because monetary policy officials in the euro area aren’t providing the necessary stimulus, said billionaire investor George Soros. “Germany itself remains relatively…

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Big government budget solution hiding in the Caymans

By Alec Sprague, South Bend Tribune The budget fights in both Washington, D.C., and Indianapolis are looking predictably ugly this year, and are shaping up along familiar lines: Do we raise taxes? Do we sink deeper in debt? Which programs…

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Cover me in caviar at this Grand Cayman spa

Amberly Mcateer, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman — The Globe and Mail I had fancied myself a bit of a spa snob before entering the Silver Rain, a La Prairie Spa, at the Ritz-Carlton: I have had indulgent massages all…

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South Wins Third Straight NACRA Test

From Rugby Mag The USA Rugby South beat The Bahamas 42-15 Saturday in The Bahamas to advance to the North American Caribbean Rugby Association (NACRA) North pool stage. Saturday’s victory was the South’s third in the NACRA Championship this season,…

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Tax havens start to reassess their business models

From The Economist Looking for a way back up (see caption) Will 2013 turn out to be an annus horribilis for the offshore financial world? Less than a month after the humiliation of Cyprus, a popular bolthole for Russia’s financial…