
iLocal News Archives

Day: February 17, 2012

London watchdog slams secrecy around Oly ticketing 

LONDON (AP) — A London city watchdog has slammed the committee organising the 2012 Olympics for its ticket policy, arguing that the secrecy surrounding the allocation of Olympic tickets has undermined 
public confidence. The 25-member London Assembly, which acts as…

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Love was in the air during Valentine’s mile

It may have been a bit premature,but love was definitely in the air around Grand Harbour on Sunday afternoon, 12 February. Cupid was not scheduled to shoot his arrows for another two days, but participants in the Valentine’s Mile were…

Memorial walk raises scholarship funds for International College

Students, alumni, faculty and community members turned out for the 11th annual Hugh Cummings Memorial Run/Walk last weekend to raise money for the scholarship fund at the International College of the Cayman Islands. Raising more than $3,000, some 50 runners…

Surgeons place pacemaker in 15-minute-old newborn 

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The name Jaya in Hindi means victorious. And little Jaya Maharaj was just that, when she became one of the smallest recipients of a pacemaker when she was just 15 minutes old. A team of doctors…

MPs launch bid to “close” Cayman

A group of 27 British MPs have launched a motion to “close“ the Cayman Islands, calling it ‘a tax haven” and “a disgrace” that is “fuelling the world economic crisis”, and reducing living standards. Primary mover of the “Early Day…

New head of Family Resource Centre

The Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing appointed Miriam Foster as the Family Resource Centre’s (FRC) Programme Coordinator earlier this month (1 February). Six years ago, Ms Foster joined the then Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) as an Administration Intake…

Redknapp says part-time England role possible for Euros

Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp believes somebody could take the England job on a part-time basis for Euro 2012, but not in the long term. Redknapp, 64, is the favourite for the post but insists “it wouldn’t be fair” to walk…

Red, red, red wine, and cheese, and blood pressure

When I was living in England, cheese and wine parties were very common. My local Anglican church would host one at least three or four times a year to raise funds. They were very popular where people would socialise and…