
iLocal News Archives

Day: September 23, 2011

iCommunity News

Mellisa Rankin crowned Miss Festival

Mellisa Rankin was crowned George Town Miss Festival Queen – at the George Town Miss Festival Queen pageant George Town Central Park, Scranton. Mellisa will represent the district of George Town in the Miss Festival Queen Competition finals, scheduled for…

iLocal News News Today

Chilling similarities between Cayman and Liverpool crime gangs

iNews reporter Paul Kennedy spent more than 20 years working as a journalist for regional and national newspapers on Merseyside. Here he looks at what the people of Cayman can expect if officers from his home city come to help…

iLocal News News Today

Bush: “a ‘dark hand’ undermining C.I.’s”

Concerned citizens at West Bay meeting. In a broad appeal to the West Bay community on Wednesday night, Premier McKeeva Bush called for cooperation with police to stem a wave of violence in the district, and detailed recent additions to…

iLocal News News


Lion Fish Culling Course The Department of Environment (DoE) is hosting a lion fish culling course on Cayman Brac next Tuesday, 28 September. Anyone interested in helping control this invasive fish species should attend this free course to earn their…

ISports Sports World

NFL memo warns teams on faking injuries

NEW YORK (AP) — To the fake handoff and fake field goals, add fake injuries. The NFL sent a memo to all 32 teams warning of fines, suspensions and loss of draft picks if the league determines players faked injuries…

iWorld News News Today

UK to pay victims over Bloody Sunday massacre

DUBLIN (AP) — Britain said Thursday it will offer compensation payments to the families of people killed and wounded on Bloody Sunday, a nearly 40-year-old massacre by British paratroopers in Northern Ireland that fueled Irish Catholic support for the IRA….

iHealth iLifestyle

Sleep apnea/Obesity hypoventilation syndrome “Pickwickian syndrom” : Part 1

Pickwickian syndrome is named after Dickens’s The Pickwick Papers because the novel features a character who has all the classic symptoms of the condition. Joe is obese, constantly hungry, very red in the face and is always falling asleep in…

iCommunity News

Miss Cayman’s beauty with a purpose

Miss Cayman contestants are ready for their close-up at this weekend’s final event. iNews spoke to the beautiful hopefuls to find out how they felt about  the possibility of representing their country. Miss Cayman contestants are ready for their close-up…

iWorld News News Today

Pope on visit to German homeland, expects protest

BERLIN (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI warned Germans of the danger of ignoring religion as he began the first state visit to his homeland Thursday, seeking to stem the tide of Catholics leaving the church while acknowledging the damage caused…