The Editor Speaks : “No” to everything?
There comes a time when saying “No” to everything is a formula for disaster. If one says “No, because we have a better plan” then I am ready to listen. We are in a recession. The country is broke. If saying “No” means I will have no money to feed my family and myself who is to blame?
I am still waiting for the PPM (People’s Progressive Movement) to come forward with their plans to get our economy back on track. They’ve said “No” to everything the UDP (United Democratic Party) has proposed. We’ve had a march. We’ve had rhetoric shouting “No” to this and “No” to that which would fill a hot air balloon and take all the protestors for a giant ride in the skies.
Of course, a lot of the arguments the protestors are angry about are valid. Likewise, so are the arguments pro, for exactly the same project and the main one is to raise money to feed you and your family.
The latest “No” is to plans to close West Bay Road near the Public Beach and re-route it onto a four lane Harquail Road Bypass via Governor’s Way near “Neptunes”, Trafalgar Place. The benefit of doing this makes perfect sense to the Government as it provides much needed cash, an expanded Public Beach creating a waterfront park.
The mastermind behind the project is Mr. Dart who has a 100% track record here of keeping his promises. I was somewhat surprised, then, in Captain Brian Ebanks’ comment in iNews yesterday when he said he was dubious about this promise. I would like to have heard his grounds for saying it with something persuasive to back it up. If he gets the support he wants to oppose the project can he also come up with an alternative proposition to provide the same amount of funds we urgently need to feed not only Captain Brian and his family, but also the rest of us?
If we say “No” to everything the world would never change, we would still be living in caves and we wouldn’t even have had the benefits of a wheel. Then we wouldn’t have the need to realign the West Bay Road.