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Malawi’s Farmers Face a Precarious Future From Climate Change-Related Storms

Malawi’s farmers—mostly women—lost their land, livestock, and livelihoods after a storm. They are struggling to recover in a nation considered one of the world’s most affected by extreme weather events.

IMF US Economy Report

The US economy is performing well, but the government should look for ways to strengthen its fiscal position in the medium term by reducing spending and raising more revenue the IMF signaled Thursday, (June 27) in Washington, D.C.  The world’s…

IMF Regular Briefing US / ECB / Debt

The fight against global inflation is reaching a stage where major advanced economies are reaching a point of divergence, the IMF signaled Thursday, (June 6) in Washington, D.C. The European Central Bank announced its first rate cut since 2019, when…

How Solidarity Triumphs Over Corporate Greed

By David McCall Author Bio: David McCall is the international president of the United Steelworkers Union (USW). Source: Independent Media Institute Credit Line: This article was produced by the Independent Media Institute. Management at Amfuel tried to bully Jo Tucker…

Seven Features of Ancient Enterprise

By Michael Hudson Author Bio: Michael Hudson is an American economist, a professor of economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City, and a researcher at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. He is a former Wall Street analyst, political…

Plastic Pollution Is a Crime Against People and the Planet

By Erica Cirino Author Bio: Erica Cirino is a writer, artist, and author who explores the intersection of the human and more-than-human worlds. Her photographic and written works have appeared in Scientific American, the Guardian, VICE, Hakai Magazine, the Atlantic,…