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Madam Speaker

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Cayman Islands Premier urges LA members to “exercise restraint regarding Commissioner of Police”

Statement to the House concerning the Commissioner of Police By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA 8 December 2014 Madam Speaker, I and the government are very conscious of the concerns relating to the performance of the Commissioner of…

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Cayman Islands Finance Minister delivers the government’s Strategic Policy Statement for financial year ending 2016

Government of the Cayman Islands Strategic Policy Statement for the Financial Year Ending 30th June 2016 Address by the Hon Minister for Finance & Economic Development, Hon. Marco Archer 26th November 2014 Introduction Madam Speaker, the Government’s 2015/16 Strategic Policy…

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Premier’s statement regarding Cayman’s London office at Brac LA Meeting

Draft Statement on London Office By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin Meeting of the Legislative Assembly in Cayman Brac Madam Speaker, Many will know that as of 31 March the contract between the Cayman Islands and the Director of the Cayman…