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Anti-corruption mix and fix

By George C. Brathwaite PhD From Caribbean News Now “The worst disease in the world today is corruption. And there is a cure: transparency” ~ Bono Over the last two years, this writer has consistently made the point that sound…

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Contrasts in Barbados elections launch

BY GEORGE ALLEYNE From Caribbean Life The main contenders in Barbados’ elections launched their campaigns in contrasting styles with Barbados Labour Party advocating plans covering from young to old, while the incumbent Democratic Labour Party focussed on the failings of…

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Law firm mergers don’t benefit clients, report finds

By Chris Johnson, From The Am Law Daily Just over a week after Greenberg Traurig terminated its merger talks with London-based Berwin Leighton Paisner, a new report has been published that claims that the majority of law firm mergers fail…