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Amnesty International

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Indian sisters sentenced to be raped because of their brother’s affair

By Kimberly Truong From Mashable A village council in India has ordered two young women to be raped after their brother eloped with a married woman from a higher caste. One of the women from the Baghpat district of Uttar…

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Hong Kong’s dirty, bloody secret

From Debra Rosen, Walk Free Call on the Hong Kong Labour Ministry to protect workers from domestic slavery Campaign update: Just days ago, the Hong Kong Labour Ministry BLOCKED OUR EMAILS. We are now planning to deliver all signatures in…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News

Human rights group fears Haitian activist and wife were assassinated

From Caribbean360 Amnesty International said it was “dismayed” by news of the killing, on February 8, of Daniel Dorsinvil, general coordinator of the Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organisations (POHDH) and his wife, Girldy Lareche. LONDON, United Kingdom, Friday February…

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The forgotten victims of Haiti’s earthquake

By Chiara Liguori, Special to CNN Editor’s note: Chiara Liguori is Amnesty International’s Caribbean researcher. The views expressed are the writer’s own. Four years ago this Sunday, a devastating earthquake struck the Caribbean island of Haiti, leaving an estimated 200,000…