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CDC reports 40 percent increase in U.S. West Nile virus cases

By Ryan Jaslow The worst West Nile virus outbreak the country has ever seen remains on the rise, the Centers for Disease and Prevention said Wednesday. In a press conference with reporters, the CDC said there are a total…

The “paperless” Shetty Hospital breaks ground

With well over a hundred invited guests the well publicised Cayman Islands ‘Shetty’ hospital/health city finally broke ground on Monday (27). MC and spokesperson for the project, David Legge, welcomed everybody and described the US$2B facility as (once completed) “the…

Cayman Islands SFA donate laparoscopic tower to HSA

On Wednesday 22nd Aug Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town received a hundred thousand dollar laparoscopic tower that will enable patients there to undergo minimally invasive surgery. John Douglas, President of the Cayman Islands Seafarers Association (SFA) who presented the…

iCommunity iEnvironment iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Releasing millions of GM mosquitoes – into the unknown. No risk assessments published in Cayman Islands

by Helen Wallace Millions of GM mosquitoes are being released into countries including Brazil in an attempt to tackle dengue fever, but one campaigner questions whether the experiments are driven by public health concerns or profit British biotech company Oxitec…

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Emotional Eating

People normally eat more whenever celebrations arise, such as birthdays and the holidays. We tend to eat more whenever these kinds of events occur. In line with this, a new study found out that people who have the tendency to…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iNotices News

5th Annual War on Weight Challenge Launched at Full of Beans

The Cayman Heart Fund War on Weight kickoff event was held at Full of Beans on Thursday, August 16, 2012.  The annual War on Weight challenge, also known as the WOW challenge, is funded by the Cayman Heart Fund, a…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News News

What’s Your Stress IQ? (Quiz)

by Diana Vilibert Hey worrywart: take the Care2 stress test to find out how much you know about stress and pick up tips to beat it! True or False: Stress can make you fat. Answer: TRUE. When you’re in a…

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Fidelity Fun Run Series

The 2012 Fidelity Fun Run Series will be taking place throughout September on Saturday 8th, 15th and 22nd. The Fidelity Fun Run Series is an annual series of three 2 mile runs held on successive Saturday mornings in September. An established…

Putting a Stop to Heart Attacks discussed at Cayman Islands conference

New developments to help beat a deadly disease couldn’t have come at a better time. At a conference last Friday (10 August), a group of local and international healthcare professionals met with Dr Michael Ozner to discuss a Six Week…

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Cayman Heart Fund 5th Annual WOW KICKOFF event

The Cayman Heart Fund 5th annual War on Weight Kickoff event will be held this evening, Thursday, Aug. 16th, 2012 at Full of Beans at 5:30 p.m. and we would truly appreciate it if you could join us for this…