BE INFORMED on The UK Bribery Act 2012

The Chamber is holding its second BE INFORMED series presentation of the year on Wednesday March 28, 2012, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Chamber offices in Governors Square. The seminar will focus on The UK Bribery Act 2010 and its implications for the business community in the Cayman Islands. Guest speakers will summarise the main provisions of the Act (including the offences, defences and reporting obligations created and the compliance regime that has taken effect under it. They will highlight the differences between the corruption laws of the Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom, and explain the extraterritorial application of the 2010 Act.
Guest Speakers will be:
Andrew De La Rosa Attorney and Barrister at Law (International Chancery & Trusts Chambers ICT) Andrew practices as independent counsel from ICT the Cayman global practice hub established by him and Shân Warnock-Smith QC. In addition to admission as a Cayman Islands attorney, Andrew is admitted as an English barrister and has acted as advocate and advisor in cases involving the laws of all of the major international financial centres. He has been ranked by UK legal guides as one of the leading practitioners in matters concerning fiduciary relationships in the trust, partnership and inheritance spheres and is a recognised authority on Islamic finance and wealth structuring. He has also acted as a government consultant and published and spoken on a wide variety of issues concerning the global financial services industry.
Ben Tonner, Attorney (Samson & McGrath) Ben’s practice covers all aspects of commercial and criminal law with an emphasis on cross-jurisdictional and financial matters. Ben has extensive experience advising high profile corporate and private individuals (such as company directors, attorneys, accountants, fund managers and politicians). Ben has particular expertise in asset-tracing and recovery, (anti) corruption, (anti) money laundering and other quasi- criminal regulatory law.
As a litigator, Ben is regularly instructed in disputes where fraud or breach of trust is a component. He has represented clients in contentious litigation at all levels, including appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Of those cases which are known to the public, Ben has been instructed as counsel in Operation Tempura, Cash for Titles, Regina v Girvan (the Grand Island Master Fund case), the RCIPS investigation involving Premier Bush and Stan Thomas and, most recently, the first prosecution brought under the Anti-Corruption Law 2008.
The Chamber’s BE INFORMED Series presentations are kindly sponsored by SteppingStones Recruitment.