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The Editor Speaks: Are law firms press releases “Rubbish”?

Colin Wilsonweb2One of our readers sent an email to us under the headline “Rubbish”.

“Much of the media is devoted to ‘ New Partners admitted to bar’. Whilst we recognize this does not refer to Fidel’s [a drinking and food establishment in Cayman] I question why it is NEWS. I can understand how proud a Caymanian law student is to have finally made that accomplishment and his parents should be equally as proud. Where I have a problem is that overseas lawyers coming here are entitled to the same amount of publicity or accreditation. So Joe Crook admitted at the bar in Leicester gets kudos in the press because he simply arrived here.

“Can the media please differential between the two?

“The other waste of space is the continuing ‘advertisements’ about how good law firms are in representing their clients in being involved in mega deals, acquisitions, mergers, liquidation sales etc. Is any reader really interested? Do you see articles from architectural firms, surveyors, accounting firms? The answer is no. They are far too professional. In conclusion can we please reduce articles, which no one cares a hoot about.”

My reply was:

“I agree to a lesser extent with you…

“I do think it is good to recognize Caymanians who are admitted to the bar.

“When I obtained my Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Building I was proud but I didn’t think it was news worthy, so I take your point. I didn’t notify any of the news media here.

“Law firms send us the press releases. We use them all. If the architects, surveyors and accountants submitted us press releases we would place them on our website. They don’t. Their prerogative.”

I would be interested to hear your views on this….

Actually, we do occasionally receive press releases from building companies telling us someone from overseas has joined them and more often showing off their new development.

We love to receive new buildings as the images look attractive on our website.




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