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Spaying and neutering facts [and don’t forget the Pub Quiz]:

3567_437176109693142_330908611_nFrom the Cayman Islands Humane Society

Neutering males is as important as spaying females. One male can father many more puppies or kittens than any female can give birth to over a lifetime. Neutering reduces the risks involved with “roaming”, It also reduces fighting and aggressive behavior and spraying.

Spayed and neutered animals tend to live longer since the risk of many cancers and other disorder…s is prevented or reduced. Since neutering reduces the urge to “roam”, many animals have a much longer lifespan because they are not running free, crossing streets and getting hit by cars, ingesting poisons, etc.

Humane Society StarAnimals have no emotional need to reproduce. They don’t suffer emotionally from being neutered. Their personality does not depend on motherhood… or fatherhood. They don’t get fat and lazy after being neutered or spayed if they get proper diet and exercise. The health risks of spaying and neutering far outweigh the slight risk involved with the surgery.

You may think that if your dog or cat has puppies or kittens you can find homes for them yourself but remember this. Many times there are 4, 5, 6, 7 or more offspring involved. Until it’s time to find homes, you need to care for them all. You need to help feed them, train them, pay for the food, veterinary care – including worming and shots – and supplies… And when it comes time to find homes… what if you can’t? There are only so many homes to go around.

525305_438342729576480_651307076_nIf you think the cost of owning and caring for one or two animals is high, the cost of running an animal shelter is staggering. The animals need medical care, good food, vaccinations, operations and more. The buildings cost money to maintain and operate, heat and cool. The monetary expense is high…. emotional expense is even higher. Every day – day in and day out – the shelter staff and volunteers must deal with abused animals, sick and dying animals, the emotional stress involved with the possibility of having to euthanize animals and more heartbreaking situations than anyone should have to handle.

So please spare a thought for our staff and volunteers that are in the shelter day in day out, help to ease their load a little by spaying or neutering your dogs and cats.

You may qualify for financial assistance, why don’t you inquire, call 949 1461 to speak to Terrie or Jason.


See attachment re ONE CAT!

AND don’t forget the Pub Quiz on Thu April 18th at 7pm Fidel Murphy’s West Bay Road. All proceeds will go towards transferring dogs to new homes in the USA. Please see attached flyer for more details.


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