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UNICEF Migration flows in Latin America and the Caribbean Situation Report No. 2 | March 2019

From Relief Web

REPORT from UN Children’s Fund


• 15,433 children participated in training activities at the Child-Friendly Spaces to prevent and address violence, abuse and exploitation in the departments of Arauca, La Guajira and Nariño (Colombia).

• In Peru, UNICEF delivered 1,463 hygiene kits to 4,403 children, accompanied with information on adequate hygiene practices.

• Cash-based interventions continue in Ecuador benefiting 902 children and adolescents, both journey CBI and for installation purposes.

• In Brazil, a total of 988 children over five year had access to non-formal education, and 146 children under five benefited from early childhood development activities.

• UNICEF provided a working session to Panamanian Authorities to strengthen their capacities for protocol implementation for identification, assistance and referral of children in need of international protection.

• The third Child-friendly space was opened in Maraval, Trinidad, providing safe space for psychosocial support and access to learning, socialization and play for children on the move.

• UNICEF and the Faculty of Technology of the University of Guyana agreed to assess schools to enable absorption of additional children and to scope environmentally appropriate design that increase learning spaces.


Over 3.7 million No. of Venezuelans living abroad, including:

Approx. 3 million No. of Venezuelans in countries within Latin America and the Caribbean (Source: IOM/UNHCR, April 2019)

Over 1.1 million Estimated no. of children in need of assistance in 2019 as a consequence of the crisis. (Preliminary estimations at transit/receiving country level.)

UNICEF Appeal 2019 US$ 69,493,902


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