
iLocal News Archives

The search for panaceas

By Paul McGowan From PS Audio

Paul McGowan

Silver bullets kill werewolves. Penicillin cures all infections. Cod liver oil eases aches and pains. Aftermarket fuses always improve the sound.

We’re continuously in search of magic potions, silver bullets, clear remedies to improve our systems. One magic cure for all is the shortest path to audio nirvana. Who wouldn’t want that?

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is rather different (and boring).

There are no panaceas. Not in medicine nor in high-end audio.

Building a wonderful HiFi system that enriches our lives with music takes some time and often a bit of patience.

Like anything good, to reach a certain level of perfection one must work at the details until they are just right.

This isn’t intended to cause us to shy away from building a system, but rather to remind us that when we hear of this or that changing everything for the better and ending our quest for perfection, we should be a bit careful.

Miracles are the result of getting the right building blocks together.

If you need help, feel free to call us.

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