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Vernon Coleman – Coronavirus: Proof that Social Distancing doesn’t work

IMAGE: Vernon Coleman – Wikipedia

The following is from the website of Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA. See end of transcript for web address

Vernon Coleman’s Banned YouTube broadcast on Social Distancing (script only)

This video was put up on YouTube on 11th May 2020. On May 13th YouTube informed us that it would be taken down. They did not explain why. 

The one thing that is doing more harm than anything else is social distancing. The lunatics who are now running the asylum are insisting that we will have to retain social distancing for ever. Anyone who says this is an ignorant, cryptorchid poltroon who should be locked up for our safety. The type of social distancing being forced on us is, to use that well known medical phrase, total bollocks. I’ll explain why in a minute. 

It’s social distancing which is destroying lives and which will destroy businesses and everything which makes our world good. 

Social distancing forces friends to shout to one another and prevents grannies hugging their grandkids. Social distancing makes people fearful. It breeds distrust, suspicion and even hatred. Passers by step to one side and walk on the road if they see someone coming towards them. Social distancing will prevent meetings and demonstrations. 

It is difficult to think of a business which won’t be adversely affected by social distancing. Restaurants are told they will have to throw out three quarters of their tables. Airlines have to throw out a third of their seats. Sports arenas can only seat people if they have six feet of space all around them. Cinemas and theatres will have to close off most of their seating. Cafes and pubs have no chance. Commercial kitchens will be non viable. Most kitchens will accommodate only one chef. Who is going to tell the bloke in the big white hat that he has to do all the washing up? 

Hotels are doomed by social distancing . 

Can you imagine trying to get back to your room after breakfast. 

`I’m afraid there is a one hour queue for the lift, sir. We’re only allowed to put two people into one lift.’ 

The theory behind social distancing is that it will protect people from other folk who sneeze or cough. 

But I think that whoever thought it up is a cretin. And I think the people who have implemented social distancing are also cretins. Not just because they didn’t think through the social or economic implications but because a sneeze doesn’t stop at six feet. And nor does a cough. 

A cough can spread droplets for 18 feet. And a sneeze can travel 24 feet. 

So if we are going to have social distancing they’ve got the bloody distance wrong. 

It has to be at least 24 feet. Really, it ought to be 30 feet to be safe. 

A six feet limit is arbitrary and utterly pointless. 

If we are going to do this properly social distancing has to be 30 feet. 

Now, I suppose there are probably waiters who can serve food from six feet away. But how many waiters can serve food from thirty feet away? 

How many people can you get in a bus or a railway carriage if everyone has to be 30 feet from everyone else? If there’s a driver on a bus the passenger will have to run behind. 

It’s stupid. And that’s why they didn’t introduce social distancing that was of any value. 

They introduced enough social distancing to bugger up life but not enough to do any good. 

The sensible solution is to push our so called leaders into forgetting about social distancing completely. 

There would be no need at all for it if people covered their mouths and noses if they sneezed or coughed – and washed their hands frequently. 

There used to be a slogan that ran `coughs and sneezes spread diseases’. 

Maybe they should forget about social distancing and bring that back. 

Copyright Vernon Coleman 14th May 2020

Vernon Coleman’s book Coming Apocalypse describes how we got in this mess – and what sort of future we can look forward to. `Coming Apocalypse’ is available as a paperback and an eBook. 

For more on this story go to:


  1. This is highly an opener. There is need to check the excesses of government so as to avoid unnecessary enslavement and subjection.

  2. Vernon Coleman is spot on, and one of the few people talking sense at the moment. Has nobody noticed that even though the number of infections may be going up, the number of deaths is not. It would therefore seem obvious that the virus has lost its strength and/or we have developed a degree of herd immunity. Society is being ripped apart, both on the economic front, and on the social front for no reason. Lockdown should now be ended, and we should return to proper, real, life.

  3. Dear Dr Coleman, would you be able to offer help and advice with Demos in Scotland. We are also looking for help from David Icke. Can you please call or email me.

    Dr Paul MacDonald RN MA Dipl

  4. I have been in medicine for 22 years. I don’t even know where to start with this drivel. Social distancing wasn’t implemented solely to protect from coughs and sneezes. Even if it was, the distance coughs and sneezes “travel” is almost irrelevant. What we are concerned with is viral load which quickly dissipates exponentially after being expelled from the mouth/nose. Can we please just stop with this conspiracy theory nonsense.

  5. Sorry to make this long, but it’s important to look into fairly recent history to see where this is headed:

    In Hannah Arendt’s renowned book The Origins of Totalitarianism, she wrote mostly about the movements of Stalin and Hitler. Considering the use of masks and social distancing today, it is important to note that Arendt wrote:

    p. 316: Social atomization and extreme individualization preceded the mass movements…
    p. 317: The truth is that the masses grew out of the fragments of a highly atomized society whose competitive structure and concomitant loneliness of the individual had been held in check only through membership in a class. The chief characteristic of the mass man is not brutality and backwardness, but his isolation and lack of normal social relationships.
    p. 318. Stalin had to first create artificially that atomized society which had been prepared for the Nazis in Germany by historical circumstances.
    p. 321. The Stakhanov system (in the Soviet Union), adopted in the early thirties, broke up all solidarity and class consciousness among the workers, first by the ferocious competition and second by the temporary solidification of a Stakhanovite aristocracy whose social distance from the ordinary worker naturally was felt more acutely than the distance between the workers and the management. This process was completed in 1938 with the introduction of the labor book which transformed the whole Russian worker class officially into a gigantic force-labor force.
    p 322…completely heterogeneous uniformity is one of the primary conditions for totalitarianism.
    p. 323. Bolshevik rulers have succeeded in creating an atomized and individualized society the likes of which we have never seen before and which events or catastrophes alone would hardly have brought about.
    p. 326. Their idea (National Socialism and Bolshevism) of domination was something that no state and no mere apparatus of violence can ever achieve, but only a movement that is constantly kept in motion: namely the permanent domination of each single individual in each and every sphere of life…The practical goal of the movement is to organize as many people as possible within its framework and to set and keep them in motion; a political goal that would constitute the end of the movement simply does not exist.

  6. The mass media is guilty of collaborating with the state that has now been described as the enemy.none of them will publish the contents of any of these vaccine jabs.messing around with chimpanzee respiratory viruses which sound as if they are in all covid 19 jabs.


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