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This Street Art animation is completely mesmerizing

tumblr_n579rqa9IQ1sqatlgo1_500By Alyson Penn From Business Insider

If you were to pass British artist INSA’s street art in your local neighborhood, you wouldn’t think there was anything especially remarkable about it.

However, the internet sees things differently.

In an “online meets offline” creative endeavor, the artist turns his street paintings into online GIFs.

To accomplish this, INSA — usually under commission by different brands — paints several layers onto outdoor canvases around the world, records each image, and then transforms them into animated, moving GIFs.

“Mixing retro internet technology and labor intensive painting, INSA creates slices of infinite un-reality, cutting edge art for the tumblr generation,” the artist says on his blog.

Check out some of his mind-boggling creations at:

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