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The Editor Speaks: US Election today

colin-wilsonweb2Hurrah all of us say who are not American. For nine months we have heard nothing less and even here in the Cayman Islands I feel as if I have been hit by a sledge hammer.

The utterly appalling bias towards one candidate (80% plus got Hilary Clinton) by the television stations and media houses, has made me switch my news coverage. When you watch a live debate and then see how it is reported one wonders if you have actually watched the same thing. The editing bias is plain to see.

One can expect it from the political ads where when Trump actually only silently mouths a swear word, we hear a loud bleep in time with his mouth to give the impression he actually spoke it. However, when that is done on the actual news report I have a big problem with it.

Is there anything anyone can learn from this election where two terrible awful persons were the choice before the people and one of them is the next president?

Where statesmanship and manners were non-existence, lies were thrown out as facts, minorities were picked on as not even second class persons, what you looked like and where you stood at whose rally you supported made you into a demonic character.

Yes. Despite all this there is a lot we can learn and should learn.

Perusing the websites I found these opinions to my liking:

By Habib Fanny From Quora

Gaffes don’t really matter.
The politics of racial resentment are real. They are still with us and they are very powerful.
Political ads don’t really matter. Trump has been outspent all along, first during the primary and now by HRC. Yet there’s little indication that this has made any difference.
Maybe the “ground game” doesn’t really matter. We’ll have to see what actually happens on election day. Hillary will have a much better ground game. If this matters, she will likely do better than the polls indicate because more of her supporters will turn out.
Political parties are losing control of the nomination process. It’s not a done deal yet. Republicans, if they had coalesced around one establishment nominee rather than 3 million, would have been able to stop Trump. And Sanders did not win against HRC. That said, the party establishments are noticing that the internet is leading to the democratization of the nominating process at long last. This will means that over the course of the 21st century, nominees will come to more closely embody the will of the average primary partisan. The corollary is that polarization will increase, since primary voters are more partisan than the electorate at large.
A lot of people don’t understand the brutal logic of the first-past-the-post electoral system we have. They don’t realize that this means that each side does best when it consolidates its votes into one candidate and that whichever side splits its votes more will likely lose. They think the 2-party system is a result of a conspiracy when in fact if is the result of arithmetic. They resent being told that they are wasting their vote when it is exactly what they are doing. I’m all for switching to a parliamentary system or to instant-runoff voting or to proportional representation or to whatever other rational system will be proposed. But until that is done, our elections will continue to be governed by the cold, hard logic of the first-past-the-post system.

The Reaganite/Randian/CofC/donor elite of the GOP never had the white working class’s support for their agenda of political economy, minarchism, “constitutionalism”. It was Calvinist karma/racial resentment/antipathy towards the range of social changes of the 1960s that motivated this base the whole time. The base was always paleocon, never movement conservative.

What is, to my mind, still somewhat unclear is why this bubble didn’t burst to Patrick Buchanan’s benefit in the 1990s, when the wave of illegal immigration over the US’s southern border was acute, the stuff of the nightly news. Which is related to the issue of “What does Trumpism look like without Trump?”

But beyond the idea that Buchanan could act movementish and yet faux-intellectual and therefore was not likely to be the standard bearer with Appalachian evangelicals, it just underscores how freaking latched movement conservatism has made itself in American political culture.

Relatedly, the religious right is dead.

It may have required a loathsome orange wrecking ball to dislodge it all since the GOP has been operating on nothing but anti-liberal, then anti-Obama autopilot for 9–10 years. But much of Reaganism has come visibly unspooled in 2016 in a way that can’t now be ignored.


There are a couple of interesting comments there, too, plus the more usual idiot spiteful ones.

Thank goodness it will be Election yesterday.


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