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The Editor Speaks: Ivan, Irma and what else?

September 11th/12th passed the thirteenth anniversary of Hurricane Ivan and everyone who was here and when the storm hit us plus, the aftermath, can identify a lot with everyone who has just gone through Irma and before that Harvey.

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season has been exceptionally busy with several remarkable and record-breaking events, the Weather Channel reported Wed (13).

Through Sept. 12, there have been 11 named storms, 6 hurricanes and 3 major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher). This is well-above average, given the 30-year average for the entire season is 12 named storms, 6 hurricanes and 3 major hurricanes.

See image showing them all.

The headlines in the above article says it all –

Harvey’s Incredible Rainfall
Irma’s Record-Breaking Winds
Two Category 4 Atlantic Hurricane Landfalls in the U.S. in One Year
Two Atlantic Hurricanes With Winds of 150 mph At Same Time
Three Consecutive Atlantic Named Storms Reached Category 4
Impressive Rapid Intensification Periods
Bret’s Strange Formation
Arlene’s Rare April Appearance

To read the whole article go to:

And we must not forget Hurricane Jose that is still there in the Atlantic. It has been overshadowed by Irma, but at least temporarily, he has the Atlantic basin all to himself. In doing so, it continues to remain a threat. Forecasters are not 100% certain what Jose is going to do nor where he will end up but he’s not going to disappear in the next few days.

Can we let our guards down now. Absolutely not. We are only in the middle of the peak hurricane season for our region and if you go to our Weather/tropical Report today you will see there are two disturbances in the Atlantic coming west. Both have around 50% chances of developing within five days. The second one though will hit unfavourable winds soon after that says the forecasters.

Why is this season so active?

National Geographical say, “atmospheric conditions were hurricane-friendly, and surface sea temperatures were warmer than usual. The Climate Prediction Center says that multiple conditions, such as a strong west African monsoon, have aligned to make the Caribbean Sea and part of the tropical Atlantic—a storm-spawning area called the “Main Development Region”—particularly well-suited to hurricanes.

“Kerry Emanuel, an atmospheric scientist at MIT who studies hurricanes, says that two factors stand out. For one, there’s currently little difference in wind speeds near the surface and those roughly 10 miles up, which ensures that miles-tall hurricanes can form and remain stable. What’s more, the tropical Atlantic is exhibiting high “thermal potential,” meaning that water can rapidly evaporate into the atmosphere.

‘“[Thermal potential] is a thermodynamic speed limit on hurricanes,” Emanuel says. “The greater the speed limit, the more favorable conditions are for hurricanes to form, and the more powerful they can get.”

“What’s more, El Niño is stuck in neutral this year, improving Atlantic hurricanes’ prospects.”


And ISIS are making capital of the misery these hurricanes are making for us.

In a story on our website Sep 13 2017 “In the aftermaths of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, will Hurricane ISIS make landfall?” – see
the writer Dallas Darling From WN says “Like hurricanes, the nature of ISIS stands for “We love death more than you love life.” Indeed, and regarding ISIS’ social media posts celebrating Hurricanes Harvey and Irma as signs of Allah’s punishment, calling the natural disasters “soldiers of Allah,” they’ve already started to recruit disenchanted Americans affected by the destructive disasters.”

The writer goes to say:

“And since identity has long been interchangeable in ISIS’ global war, the extremist group has moreover started recruiting thousands of unemployed, disenchanted and displaced Americans because of the hurricane’s destructive paths.

“American veterans against so-called jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan – and now Syria – are surprisingly prime targets for ISIS too. Not only does ISIS understand the post-traumatic stress and let-down caused by wars, but they’ll encourage veterans to aim their weapons at their fellow citizens. From Timothy McVeigh to Nidal Hussein, including lesser known recruits, ISIS will indeed use Hurricane’s Harvey and Irma’s worsening affects on disillusioned and homeless veterans. They plan to also look for explanations and enemies in the drastic otherness of those responsible – America’s political and economical elites.”

The misery of the hurricanes does promote the good in people as I witnessed in Ivan and has been recorded in news reports of Harvey and Irma. Along with that there are the scum who make the misery even worse by their looting and even targeting the people trying to help the needy.

The world does not change people by hurricanes. There will always be the good along with the bad and ISIS stands for everything that is bad.

Be vigilant. The hurricane season is not over and what else is to come will come …. or it won’t.



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