The Editor speaks: Heroes

Today (Mon 28) is our National Heroes Day.
There is a different theme that is set by a committee each year. This year the pioneers who contributed to the creation of the Cayman Islands’ Coat of Arms were honoured.
Note the word ‘pioneers’.
Is a pioneer a hero?
How does one become a hero?
Aside from a chief male character in a book, the mythological figures and the action hereos from the comics and movies, the Oxford dictionary defines a hero as – “A person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.”
How many of the awardees today fit th description?
Not that I am saying none of these people do not deserve to be recognised for their contribution to our Islands Coat of Arms, especially as one such individual is my wife’s father, I am querying if we are straying away from our National Day of celebrating our HEROES.
It is our title of the event I believe needs amending. “Celebrating Cayman’s Pioneers” is a much better title for today’s event. However, we also honour persons who are awarded gongs for their contributions to our Islands by going beyond the norm.
Again, none of the above actually fit in to the title of being a hero? Not all of them are pioneers.
I received a certificate a few years ago for my contribution to the arts (it stated I wasn’t a leader) and my wife went one better and received a tiny pin that she has since lost.
The Cayman Islands does have its, what I call real heroes, and not all have been given that honour. I am not listing them but I am just making the point. When bravery has been documented and the individuals have not had that distinction given to them in the ceremony we enjoy every year at Heroes Square, then something is very wrong.
It should not be who you are and who you know, and politics should not come into it at all.I have voiced my complaint about it to the government body Heroes Day falls under and was informed it was being looked into. Obviously the glass is like the windows on the cars that get pulled over by our police. Too much dark tint! I haven’t heard a thing more from them.
Thankfully, we all have our own individual heroes. To most of us our Mothers and Fathers are heroes.
Look at all the persons that fought in the two wars and lost their lives. They are honored on Remembrance Sunday but not by name. That also happens at The Heroes Day ceremony.
Joan’s late sister, Eulene Watler, turned down a medal government wanted to give her. She said, “I didn’t do anything more than my job I did for government and I was paid to do it.”
She is my hero for saying that.
Excellent article and dead on!