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Diet helps prevent heart disease

Diet That Helps Prevent Heart Disease and ED in Men The Mediterranean diet can bring many benefits for the human body, including a healthier heart and a sharper brain. But there’s another benefit that might be of particular interest to…

Study: Type 2 diabetes causes erectile dysfunction

From Newsmax (Fotolia) A recent large-scale study conducted by the University of Exeter and the University of Oxford found that genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes was linked to erectile dysfunction. Researchers also found that living a healthier lifestyle may help reduce the risk of developing…

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How seniors can rev up their love lives

By Lynn Allison From Newsmax Experts say that your sex drive can stay high even in your senior years. But all too often, we lose energy as we age and this affects every aspect of our lives, from the boardroom…

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Prostate cancer: Improving PSA test accuracy

By Healthafter50 with Scientific American Most experts agree that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening should be used in conjunction with other information (for example, family history, race and age) to assess the overall likelihood that prostate cancer is present, and it…