St. K & N: Prime Minister Drew engages with High-Level Officials in the UK on matters of National Importance
From Press Secretary, Mrs. Adelcia Connor-Ferlance
Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis, May 7, 2023 (Press Secretary, PMO): During his visit to London, United Kingdom (UK) for the Coronation Ceremony of His Majesty King Charles III, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Honourable Dr. Terrance M. Drew met with numerous influential world leaders and shared the vision of his administration for the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
He began his second day in London (May 5, 2023), accompanied by the Governor-General Dame Marcella Liburd, GCMG, JP, by attending a Small Island Developing States(SIDS) breakfast, organized by the UK Foreign Office to demonstrate its support for SIDS.
(L-R) Under-Secretary of State for Americas and Caribbean, David Rutley MP; Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew, and the Rt Hon Graham Stuart MP, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Prime Minister Drew engaged other world leaders and sensitized them to the government’s plans to transform Saint Kitts and Nevis into a sustainable small island state. He expressed the need for partnership and support to move the country forward without the limiting concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. He also discussed upcoming geothermal projects and the vision to expand fisheries within the Federation.
After the coronation ceremony (May 6, 2023) at Westminster Abbey, guests were invited to the Church House adjacent to Westminster Abbey, where the UK Foreign Secretary hosted a reception.
Prime Minister Drew, Governor-General Dame Marcella Liburd, GCMG, JP, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas met with the UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Affairs, the Rt. Hon. James Cleverly, other leaders, and senior officials of numerous other countries.
Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew shared with officials that his government would imminently establish a task force charged with animating appropriate strategic approaches to address, in a whole of government approach, the ongoing water issues, renewables, developing mechanisms to manage sustainably the Federation’s marine resources, and forge, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, partnerships to achieve those strategic, targeted, and measurable goals.
Prime Minister Drew further maximized the opportunity, in his brief encounter with a senior United Nations (UN) official to share information on his approach to universal health care and asked for support from the UN in prioritizing healthcare access across the Caribbean.

Saint Kitts and Nevis delegation watches the coronation process as it makes its way back to Buckingham Palace

Far left is UK Foreign Secretary, the Rt. Hon. James Cleverly. High Commissioner H.E. Kevin Isaac introduces President Ruto of Kenya to Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew and Minister of Foreign Affairs Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas.

SKN Delegation meets UK Foreign Secretary, the Rt. Hon. James Cleverly. and his wife, Susannah Cleverly.

High Commissioner Isaac introduces to Prime Minister Drew, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, UK Minister for the Commonwealth

Prime Minister Drew meets the Premier of Bermuda, Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP

Prime Minister Drew and Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas meet Vice President of The Gambia, Muhammad B.S. Jallow

Prime Minister Drew meets the Commonwealth Secretary General, the Rt. Hon. Baroness Patricia Scotland.