Sharon Roulstone appeals for everyone to come out and vote
In a passionate plea to the voting public of the Cayman Islands, Sharon Roulstone, one of the campaign co-ordinators for the ‘One Man, One Vote’ (OMOV) campaign said, “Anyone who stays at home on polling day will be voting ‘no’.”
The government has made it a very tough hill to climb by campaigning against and setting the bar as high as it can on its own referendum on Wednesday 18th July.
“Come out and vote,” M/s Roulstone urged. “Not coming out to vote equates to a ‘no’ because of the threshold set by government. “If you are on the list and you are not aware or you are not here, if you don’t vote you will be voting against the proposition of one man, one vote and single member constituencies. We cannot stress enough to people who support OMOV that they need to come out and vote or ensure they are registered for an absentee vote.”
The threshold of treating the poll as a people initiated referendum requires a 50% plus one vote. A government initiated referendum normally requires only a simple majority of voters. It would actually call on persons opposed to the OMOV to vote.
With an electoral roll of just over 15,000 people, the campaigners have set a goal of 8,000 ‘yes’ votes to ensure a clear and emphatic result. It is going to be very hard to achieve this.