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Recipe of the week

The Color that Tastes Delicious
Turmeric, a superfood

Indian cuisine is renowned for the complex combination of spices giving many of its dishes a uniquely delicious flavor. But eating is a full sensory experience, of which taste plays only one part. Another is color. Ever noticed that beautiful, golden hue that seems ubiquitous in so many Indian dishes? If so, you can be sure your dish was prepared with a healthy amount of turmeric, a yellow root that is ground up and used to season and color many curries.

But the spice isn’t just for show…

In fact, turmeric is a superfood with a lengthy history whose many medicinal benefits were known in ancient times. Ayurvededic medicine, a traditional Indian medical system and one of the world’s oldest, has long relied on turmeric to help treat a number of ailments.

Recently, modern medicine has begun to recognize the many benefits of this super-spice, using it to treat ailments from minor physical pain to parasites. It is considered the go-to superfood in Caribbean kitchens due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Maria Calle, nutritionist and KitchenAid consultant, describes turmeric’s numerous benefits:
ü Antimicrobial: Its germ-eliminating properties prevent wounds from becoming infected.
ü Natural antidepressant: Consuming turmeric can boost your levels of serotonin, “the happiness hormone”.
ü Arthritis and respiratory relief: Its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve pain as well as respiratory problems.
ü Pro-digestive: Turmeric is a natural digestive tonic and helps lower stomach acidity.
ü Liver and kidney protector: Some chemicals in the spice contribute to strengthening the liver and helping reduce kidney stones.
ü Immune system booster: Turmeric consumption during times of stress or during the winter can help your body fight diseases, viruses or the flu.

Now that you know the benefits of this super-root, how should you actually use the spice, and in what quantities? Since turmeric doesn’t have much flavor, it can be used to prepare all kinds of meals, not just curry. It can be added to water, herbal teas, and soups with amounts ranging from 20 g to 500 mg. It can be powdered (found in the spices area) but it’s always better use the organic whole root, available in the organic section of any supermarket.

Without further ado, check out one of our favorite turmeric-inspired recipes that is sure to be a hit for soup-lovers!

Pumpkin soup with coconut and turmeric
Courtesy of KitchenAid (Magnetic Drive Blender)

· ½ pumpkin
· ¾ tbsp. of olive oil
· ½ onions diced in julienne
· ½ tsp. grated ginger
· ½ garlic
· 1 ½ cup vegetable broth
· ½ tsp. red curry paste
· 1 tsp. turmeric powder
· ½ cup coconut milk
· 1 tsp. lemon juice

· Place the olive oil in a pan. Add onions and cook for 2-3 minutes until soft and transparent.
· Add ginger and cook for 1 more minute.
· In a pot, mix turmeric into the broth on high heat. Once its boiling, turn down heat to low and cook for 20 more minutes.
· In a separate bowl, mix the coconut milk with the red curry paste until uniform.
· Mix pumpkin, broth, and turmeric in the Magnetic Drive Blender on the Soups and Sauces configuration. Blender will stop when soup has the perfect consistency.
· Mix soup with the bowl containing red curry paste and coconut milk.
· For a final touch, add lemon.
· Enjoy!

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