RCIPS Hosts Swearing in Ceremony for First Elected Committee Members of the Women in Policing Network (WiPN)

On the 3 May, 2022, the RCIPS Women in Policing Network (WiPN) was formed with a working committee set in place to develop the protocols and guidance required to establish the Network. A WiPN launch event, hosted by H.E. Governor, Jane Owen, at Governors House, followed on the 18 July, officially announcing the WiPN to the community.
Since this time the working group have hosted learning sessions, and attended conferences on behalf of the Network, and, significantly, hosted the first BOT WiPN conference in Grand Cayman on 5 March, 2024. During this event, two RCIPS WiPN representatives were recipients of awards which were presented at a ceremony following the conference at the Governors House.
On 17 May, WiPN held its first election to appoint the representatives that would take the reins from the working group, and lead the Network forward. Election results were announced on 22 May, and the following staff were elected to positions:
WiPN Chairperson: Inspector Joleta Wolliston
Vice-Chair: Sergeant Nassaria Thompson
Secretary: Constable Julie-Ann Walters
Assistant Secretary: Communications Officer Karen Westfield
‘He for She’ Representative: Inspector Antonio Hanna
The RCIPS Senior Command and Leadership Team offers their congratulations to the individuals elected to serve on the WiPN committee.
Outgoing working Chairperson, Superintendent Wendy Parchment, has played a key role in developing the Network until this point. Although Supt. Parchment will be stepping aside for Inspector Wolliston to take the lead, she remains an avid supporter and ambassador of the work of the WiPN. “I am thrilled to witness the WiPN achieve this important milestone, where we are today swearing in a committed and talented group of women and men to become the driving force for change in our organization when it comes to advocating for women and supporting initiatives to enable greater equity”. “Having given 38 years of service to the RCIPS myself, I have seen much change over this time regarding the position of women in policing. I look forward to seeing how the WiPN continues to drive for the advancement of women working within law enforcement in the Cayman Islands, into the future”, says Supt. Parchment.
The RCIPS WiPN represents the Cayman Islands within the International Association of Women Police (IAWP), which is a global organsiation for women police officers and women in other criminal justice roles. The IAWP’s mission is to strengthen, unite and raise the capacity of women police around the world.