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Puzzles for Jan 8 2014 Number search/Sudoku/Word search/Crossword


Fast Facts:













































































The shark has a large liver that stores fat and oil.


The shark has a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bones.


The largest fish on Earth is the whale shark. It is about 15 metres long.


The sharkskin has denticles which reduces drag when the shark swim.


The shark maintains its lift underwater using its pectoral and pelvic fins.


Ectothermic sharks adapt their body temperature to the surrounding sea.


Sharks attack humans surfing on surfboards as they are mistaken for sea lions or seals.


Sharks can see, hear, smell, taste and feel with five senses.


Sharks can spot movement using pressure sensors lining their body.


Sharks can detect weak electric signals from marine prey using their electrosensory ampullae.


Sharks hunt by baitballing. The shark circles the fishes being hunted to make them group together.


Dangerous sharks that attack humans are the great white, tiger and bull sharks.


Some sharks are filter-feeders which eat plankton.


Sharks are hunted by human for their cartilage and fins.


Oviparous sharks reproduce by laying eggs.


Ovoviviparous sharks reproduce by producing and hatch eggs inside their body.


Viviparous sharks give birth to live young sharks.


Finning is a common cause of death for sharks.


Some sharks bottom-feed near the seabed.


Sharks can travel long distances (more than 3000 kilometres) and reach great depths (more than 4000 metres deep).Xword



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