Paul’s Post : The futility paradox
By Paul McGowan From PS Audio

Paul McGowan
You cannot change the mind of someone determined to prove themselves right. It’s like trying to convince a person that chocolate tastes better than vanilla when they refuse to even try it.
I get letters on a regular basis begging me to supply verbal ammunition that cables matter, or that there are sonic differences between this and that. What folks are looking for is a magic bullet or, better still, the proverbial magic wand.
Politicians and salespeople have been searching for that wand for as long as we have been on the planet.
Until someone’s ready to accept new information that might alter their worldview it’s a simple exercise in futility to try and sway someone in your direction.
Life’s filled with amazing opportunities to enjoy its bounty. Why spend time jumping up and down about this or that when you could be treating yourself to what you already understand.
Press play and close your eyes.
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