OECS congratulates Antigua and Barbuda on 39th Anniversary of Independence
OECS Media Statement

Sunday, November 1, 2020 — The Commission of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) extends to the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda warmest congratulations on the occasion of the nation’s 39th Anniversary of Independence today, November 1st 2020.
As Antigua and Barbuda celebrates this milestone under the theme “One Purpose, One Vision, One Nation“, the Commission extends very best wishes for continued good health, peace, progress and stability.
A virtual flag-raising ceremony was held at the OECS headquarters in Saint Lucia on Friday, October 30th 2020 to commemorate the event. The ceremony featured a recorded message from Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Honourable Gaston Browne; and an address by the Director General of the OECS, Dr. Didacus Jules. The national prayer was delivered by Pastor Dr. Franklin Bray of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Saint Lucia.
In his address, the OECS Director General reflected on past leaders whose sacrifice enabled us as small island developing states to “move progressively from a condition of chattel slavery to our current condition of proud nationhood.”
He stated:
“The theme of this 39th anniversary: ‘One Purpose, One Vision, One Nation’ is so timely as we face the compounded crisis of the Covid-19 economic shutdown and climate change.
“Nothing less than a singular sense of purpose guided by a clear unitary vision and a resolve to keep our unity as one nation will guarantee our survival in this unprecedented challenge.
“We extend to the government and people, our sisters and brothers of Antigua and Barbuda, our heartfelt congratulations and solidarity on this milestone.”
The Commission looks forward to continuing in the service of the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda in the ongoing quest for the realisation of their development aspirations.