Most Effective Treatments for Mosquito Bites

By Lynn C. Allison From Newsmax
Enjoying warm summer nights outside watching fireworks or toasting marshmallows over a fire can be spoiled by pesky mosquitoes. Waking up to itchy, painful mosquito bites is not fun. The most common form of allergic reaction, mosquito bites can cause painful itching, redness and swelling that can last up to 10 days.
When planning your next summer outing, make sure to bring along an effective mosquito repellent and stock up on the best products to offer bug bite relief.
According to Health, the best bite relief products contain ingredients that numb the area to stop itching, with hydrocortisone to reduce inflammation, antihistamines to reduce swelling, swelling and itchiness, and skin protectants. Here are top picks of leading dermatologists:
• Sprays. These are usually the best bet for most people as they are easy to use and often provide cooling relief. Try Benadryl’s Extra Strength Itch Cooling Spray.
• Creams, ointments, and balms. Gold Bond Medicated Maximum Strength Pain & Itch Cream and Badger’s Itch Relief Stick are recommended by experts because they are effective and can better target the bite than sprays. They are, however, messier to use.
• Patches. The Magic Patch Itch Relief Patches are an alternative to targeted therapy that also travel well.
Dermatologist Dr. Megan Rogge recommends looking for these ingredients when buying bug relief products:
• Camphor and menthol. These topical analgesics help cool the skin.
• Lidocaine and pramoxine. To help dull the sensation of itch and pain, look for these painkillers.
• Hydrocortisone. Use this topical corticosteroid to decrease inflammation that can cause redness, swelling and itching.
• Diphenhydramine. This ingredient, found in Benadryl, is both an antihistamine and an analgesic to reduce swelling, redness and itching.
• Zinc oxide. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this over-the-counter medicine, found in Calamine lotion, helps treat itchiness, pain and discomfort from bug bites, as well as chicken pox and poison ivy. You should only use this preparation topically.
• Essential oils. Basil is an excellent anti-inflammatory oil that is great for all kinds of bug bites, including bee stings, says Healthline. Lavender is another popular favorite that can be directly applied to bites. Mint oil, when diluted with a carrier oil, can provide cooling pain relief and even prevent further bites. Tea tree oil is renowned for its healing properties and ability to prevent infections.
Lynn C. Allison ✉
Lynn C. Allison, a Newsmax health reporter, is an award-winning medical journalist and author of more than 30 self-help books.
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