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Kick the Federal Reserve to the curb, Martin

By Melissa Martin

Melissa Martin

“The Federal Reserve should be abolished because it is immoral, unconstitutional, impractical, promotes bad economics and undermines liberty.” –Ron Paul 

“The Federal Reserve is one of the most dangerous creatures ever to stalk our land.” – G. Edward Griffin. 

The U.S. government granted power to the Federal Reserve (a private company) to create money, print money, then loan it back to the government charging interest. WHAT? How is that logical? How is that legal? Does that even make sense? President Woodrow Wilson was a major player in the cabal that duped Americans. Retired Chairman Alan Greenspan was a wolf wearing a suit and the kingpin of fedspeak. Jerome H. Powell is carrying the torch that burns economies. 

What is the U.S. Federal Reserve? 

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve System as the central bank of the United States. Find a list of the names of current board members, employees, and staff on the website. Visit

“In reality, the act created a private, for profit, central banking corporation owned by a cartel of private banks. Who owns the FED? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York. Did you know that the FED is the only for-profit corporation in America that is exempt from both federal and state taxes?” Visit

Folks, how could this happen in the great United States of America? Follow the greed and power trail. 

Neither in high school government class nor in required college courses on economics and history, do I remember learning any information about the Federal Reserve (the Fed). And like many citizens, I went about life doing my own thing and leaving politics to elected leaders – and that was a mistake the citizens made.  

It wasn’t until the COVID lockdown in 2020, that I became aware of the cabal that controls America’s economy and influences the world’s economy. Shock, confusion, anger – that’s what I felt. How could a group of wealthy politicians and wealthy business men/women bamboozle an entire sovereign nation and other countries? We’ve been betrayed, manipulated, duped – decades of deception by traitors.  

Several books have been written on the Fed. With the invention of the Internet, there are articles, blogs, and myriad information on this topic. How can the Federal Reserve dictators continue to reign over the U.S. economy and influence the economies of the world in 2022?  

Books about the Federal Reserve

“Fed Up: An Insider’s Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America” by Danielle DiMartino Booth was published in 2017. Booth worked as an analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. “Every American must understand this extraordinarily powerful institution and how it affects his or her everyday life, and fight back.” 

Congressman Ron Paul published “End the Fed” in 2012. Congressman Rand Paul is his son and has also spoken out against the Fed.  

“The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” by G. Edward Griffin was published in 2010 as the 5th Edition and “includes a no-holds barred analysis of bank bailouts under the Bush and Obama Administrations that are shown to be nothing less than legalized plunder of the American people.” You’ll find a list of those who attended the historic meeting at Jekyll Island where the Federal Reserve was created. 

“The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” was published in 1994. “This is the classic exposé of the Fed that has become one of the best-selling books in its category of all time. Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magician’s secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money…This book is about the most blatant scam of history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity.” 

“The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins was published in 2009. “It IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers in their own interest.” 

“Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country,” by William Greider and published in 1989 by Simon & Schuster. A bestseller that “reveals how the mighty and mysterious Federal Reserve operates–and manipulates and the world’s economy.” 

Quotes about the Fed 

“Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt.” – Louis T. McFadden, the Chairman of the House Banking Committee in the 1930s.  

“Ending the Fed would be the single greatest step we could take to restoring American prosperity and freedom and guaranteeing that they both have a future.” –Ron Paul 

“Someone has to get this story through to the public. The problem, however, is that the public doesn’t want to hear it.” –G. Edward Griffin 

What can the average citizen do? Arm yourself with knowledge and facts. Read a few books. Converse with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances. Discuss this issue on social media. Contact your state representatives. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper. Give encouragement to Rand Paul, Kentucky Senator at

Americans and their elected officials need to join together and pass laws to oust the Federal Reserve. 


Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is a syndicated opinion-editorial columnist. She lives in U.S.


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