Health City Cayman Islands founder promises expanded educational opportunities, as staff are rewarded for excellent service

Health City Cayman Islands founder promises expanded educational opportunities, as staff are rewarded for excellent service

Dr. Devi Shetty, the world renowned cardiac surgeon whose vision it was to create Health City Cayman Islands, has said he plans to further establish the internationally accredited specialty hospital as a leading medical education institution serving the Caribbean and other countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Already renowned for its track record of excellent patient outcomes across a vast number of surgical and medical specialties, Health City has started construction of a new super-specialty hospital in Camana Bay, which the integrated cancer care aspect of the facility is scheduled to be open by November 2022 and the remainder by last quarter 2023.
However, the founder and chairman said providing high-quality medical care is only one aspect of his vision. “We do have an obligation to the government and people of the Cayman Islands, who went out of their way to help us become established over the past eight years. To pay them back, we will convert Health City to be an institution for training the students of the Cayman Islands as the future dynamic doctors, nurses, medical technicians with magic in their fingers,” said Dr. Shetty, as he addressed Health City staff at a Founder’s Day event on May 7th.
“At some point in time, we need to convert our entire Health City as an institute of medical education, nursing education, paramedical education.” Through its Healthcare Explorers program, Health City already provides a variety of educational opportunities for students in the Cayman Islands.

During the ceremony that coincided with Dr. Shetty’s birthday celebrations, a number of staff were recognized for their outstanding contributions. Among them was Ms. Lanisia McLaughlin, Referrals and Emergencies Manager, who was presented with the Chairman’s Award for her dedicated service since the hospital in East End opened in 2014.
“Lanisia has been an important member of the team from the start. Her unwavering commitment to professionalism in ensuring emergency patients get the care they need is a living testimony to the vision of healthcare that Dr. Shetty envisioned when he embarked on the journey to establish Health City. You have two types of individuals in this world when there is a fire, you have those that scamper away and those that dash in to douse the flames. We know which type Lani is and I am overtly proud that someone who stood shoulder to shoulder with our team from the beginning is receiving this well-earned honor,” said Chief Business Officer, Mr. Shomari Scott.
Employee Excellence Awards were also presented to the following employees for the first four months of 2022: Keerthi Muniswamy of the Health City at Camana Bay Clinic (January), Assistant International Patient Care Team Manager, Pamela Dilicio (February), Operation Theatre nurse Govindarajulu Narasimhulu (March), and Security Officer Mike McLaughlin (April).
“I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you – all of our doctors, nurses, paramedics, technicians, administrators, and everyone involved in running Health City Cayman Islands for doing a phenomenal job,” said Dr Shetty before the awards were presented.
Clinical Director, Dr. Binoy Chattuparambil, explained that the work of Health City’s many talented specialists would not be possible without the support of other staff. “Our goal is to save lives and improve the quality of life for our patients, and to have an amazing cadre of local talent at our institution already fits into the vision of our founder to have more Caymanians pursuing healthcare careers and we look forward to this trend continuing,” said Dr. Binoy.