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Guide to e-nails and dab rigs

If you have been vaping for some time now, you will probably be familiar with dab rigs and e-nails. If you haven’t used these together yet, it may be time to start doing so. As they can be incredibly effective and produce an experience that is both enjoyable and efficient. To help you understand why e-nails and dab rigs are so good together, let’s look at what each of them are and how you can benefit from them.

What is an E-Nail?

An electronic nail or e-nail is a special device used to create vapor that provides a consistent temperature effective in vaping. You normally get e-nails that take the form of little boxes that fit over the nail. The device has a metal coil that is heated up using electricity and there are buttons on the device that allow you to adjust the concentrate temperature as needed.

What is a Dab Rig?

You are probably familiar with dab rigs, but just in case you are not, let us explain. It is a kind of water pipe that is designed to be used with honey, wax, legal concentrates such as CBD oil and other smoking oils. It comes with a dab nail rather than a more traditional bowl component. Therefore, you heat your prefer concentrate on the dab nail to transform it into vapor.

Why Do Dab Rigs and E-Nails Work Well Together?

Although it is very easy to warm your dab rig up using a torch, you don’t have any control over the temperature or any other aspect of the process. With some concentrates, this is not a problem. With oil rigs, though, you need a consistent temperature. If the device you use is not warm enough, you will not get enough vapor, which means the concentrate or oil you use will form in a pool at the bottom of your nail. On the other hand, if the device you are using is too warm, you will end up with a rip that tastes and smells like melting, hot plastic. Do you really want that?

To have more control over the process and avoid these unwanted tastes and smells, many vapers have started using dab rigs and e-nails together. The most accurate way of controlling temperature is with an e-nail. This device makes it much easier to determine if the optimal temperature has been reached or not, compared to if you used a more conventional torch.

E-nails are ideal as they enable you to use lower temperature rips and won’t have to wait for your nail to cool down. Additionally, e-nails are a lot cheaper to use as they rely on electricity to heat them up rather than lighter fluids like butane or other materials that run out regularly.

Tips for Choosing an E-Nail

If you are interested in finding e-nails and dab rigs or want to try dabbing by the best wax pen, take a look at this brief buying guide we have put together. The most important things to consider are:


You need to ensure you get e-nails that are reliable and durable. Ideally, you will want one that is easy to maintain and clean, as you will need to clean after each device. This is the best way to ensure you get the longest use out of them as possible.


Customizable options can help to take your e-nail vaping experience to another level. You need to obviously make sure the e-nail you are looking to choose works with a dab rig.


Whether an e-nail is portable or not is another hugely important factor, if you are not looking to carry around a lot of heavy equipment but want to vape on the go. Look for travel-ready and compact models.


Above all else, you will want to make sure you find one that fits your budget best. Although you may want to avoid buying a very cheap option, you won’t want to spend more than necessary.


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