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Give us your debt – in exchange for your freedom, Martin

Melissa Martin

By Melissa Martin

As the economies of the world collapse like dominos, a self-proclaimed financial savior on a pale horse waits in the wings – readying to offer the world a utopian society without debt. 

Give us your debt willingly in exchange for your civil liberties. Give up choice in exchange for a socialist/communist/fascist community. “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” proclaims Klaus Schwab (top globalist at the World Economic Forum – WEF). Citizens will not have any bills to pay because they will not own property, stocks or bonds, gold or silver, houses, cars, boats – nothing means nothing. The new global world government (aka the Great Reset via the WEF) will provide apartment pods, utilities, food and water, and healthcare – basic needs met. 

What? All my debt just evaporates into thin air. Sign me up. But do you know the rest of the horrendous story? 

In June 2020, wolves in sheep’s (Great Reset cabal) clothing met to “reset” the entire global economy. However, the agenda to destroy the economies of the world’s countries is a decades-old plan.  

“Among the many world leaders and powerful institutions that pledged their support for the Great Reset at the June meeting were the International Monetary Fund, Prince Charles, the head of the United Nations, CEOs from major international corporations, and the World Economic Forum—one of the key ringleaders of the Great Reset… Among the most important figures in the Great Reset movement are gigantic financial institutions and/or their CEOs, including Bank of America and MasterCard.” Visit

In a 2022 interview about the New World Order on Greg Hunter’s show, guest Martin Armstrong stated “Just look at Canada. Trudeau is one of Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders. The worst countries have leaders that have graduated from his school. Make everybody comply, and if they don’t, crush them to the ground.” 

“Manipulating the World Economy: The Rise of Modern Monetary Theory & the Inevitable Fall of Classical Economics – Is there an Alternative? is Armstrong’s 2021 book. “We now face a truly monumental crisis. Central banks around the world are trapped. Their attempt to stimulate the economy through Quantitative Easing and rate manipulation has disastrously failed.” 

A government cannot keep willy-nilly printing money without inflation. Reading articles at the New Institute for Economic Thinking, puts my brain into overdrive because I am not an economist. The international dollar versus the domestic dollar; the shadow banking system; cryptocurrency; credit default swaps;and QE2 concepts are confusing and complex. Trying to connect the nefarious global financial agenda dots via the Federal Reserve, The World Bank, and The International Monetary Fund makes my cerebral cortex do flipflops. Visit

Hark! The Great Reset cabal (aka world banker bosses) is facing resistance from courageous citizens around the global. “We the People” are sending a message to the corrupt cartel of global elites.  

The “Our World Is Not For Sale” (OWINFS) network is a loose grouping of organizations and social movements worldwide fighting the current model of corporate globalization embodied in global trading system. “The World Trade Organisation was established in 1995. As of 2020, it includes 164 countries and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WTO has been used to push an expansive array of policies on trade, investment and deregulation that exacerbate the inequality between the North and the South, and among the rich and poor within countries. The WTO enforces some twenty different trade agreements, including the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).”Visit

The peaceful protest of the Canadian truckers was a harbinger of freedom-lovers opposing a devious dictator. “Once in a while, something cuts through the muck of modern life with diamond-cutter precision and finality, yielding a moment of clarity. The juxtaposition of two images creates just such a moment. The one: thousands of Canadians braving the bitter cold to cheer and succor 18-wheelers and their drivers rolling towards Ottawa. The other: the empty chair of an empty-suit prime minister who absented himself rather than face what his arrogant totalitarianism had wrought…There’s more to come: proposed central bank digital funny money and social credit systems.” Visit

“No farmers – no food” is the slogan of the farmers in the Netherlands. “Many of the farmers believe the government is using nitrogen emissions as cover for a landgrab. The Netherlands is one of Europe’s most densely populated countries, and the value of the farmland is astronomical. Some of them have pointed to a U.N. agreement called Agenda 2030 which would overhaul the Dutch economy but requires a great deal of land to achieve its goals.” Visit

The World Economic Forum is in bed with the United Nations and champions Agenda 2030. Other bedfellows include: The World Health Organizations, The World Trade Organization, The Centers for Prevention of Disease and Control, The Food and Drug Administration, The Open Society, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the list goes on and on.  

In other words, give up your land and all you own or we will take it by making illegal laws and/or by force. Afterall, we don’t care about the people – we just want to save the planet. Give up beef and we’ll give you bugs to eat. Give up birthing children and we’ll give you population control. Give up religion and we’ll give you idols to worship. Give up your income and we’ll give you a new form of old communism.  

Do you want a taste of what The Great Reset is offering? Take a trip to China or North Korea and dine on human rights violations, torture, and execution for those who dare disagree. 

The megalomaniacs of The Great Reset are drunk on power, control, money. And they dress up in savior syndrome suits made of fascist fabric. Promises of financial equality roll off their forked tongues.  

Citizens, don’t drink their poisonous potion that guarantees a debt-free delusion. Choose reality. Choose freedom. Choose civil liberties.  

About the author:

Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is a syndicated opinion-editorial columnist. She lives in U.S.

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